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Posts posted by lucas_jarvis

  1. Agreed, you should definatly just call someone and ask to be an assistant. I did just that last week and I shot my first wedding this past weekend. That's right, he gave me a telephoto lense and got me shooting right away! I took over 500 shots and let me tell you, you don't learn any faster than being there and firing away. He was the first guy I called too. It might have something to do with me telling him that I didn't want a dime, just a chance to learn and shoot. I figure, no commitments with no pay - for him, and me. Good Luck!
  2. I'm having a problem with my Hitachi 4GB microdrive. I've encountered

    corrupted data and I'm losing my picures now and then to it. Does anyone

    know what the problem might be? Could it be bad sectors, like what is

    found on some hard drives? If so, can they be marked and tagged 'not

    useable' using a program like scandisk? Or does this just happen at

    random at anytime. Is anyone having the same problems as me?

  3. Thanx a lot everyone. I posted this thread last night before I went to bed and I'm just waking up now. I can't believe how fast one can get advice. Just so everyone knows. He shoot's %100 digital, and so do I. So this is a relief to me. Also, I'm meeting with him two days before our first shoot. He wants me to bring my equipment to look at. He did mention that if I were to get into wedding photography my Digital Rebel wouldn't hold up because of the plastic body. What do you guys think. Time to upgrade to the 10D?
  4. I'm not even sure I have the name right. I'm talking about that

    attachment for your camera that holds the flash up a bit higher. I've seen

    wedding photographers use it. A flash bracket I think it's called? Well,

    anyhewwwwwww, what is it for? Reducing red-eye? Less sweat glare?

    Different shadows?

  5. Ok, I know to use a tripod to prevent camera shake, but I wan't to

    know how to use it properly. If I set up my camera on one, can I

    still use my finger for the shutter release? Or will this still

    create shake? I've been using the timer function in the mean time,

    but I hate waiting to take the next shot. Should I get a cable

    release, or start using my finger?

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