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Image Comments posted by buns


    You have this kids arm more in focus then the rest of the photo. Take a little more time with your shots to get it right. The idea is good, but the shot not so much. Sorry.

    found hands

    If you had got the shot a little more above the beautiful baby, I believe that would have brought her hand more in focus. I do love her eyes.
  1. I do appoligize for all of that. I do feel the need to defend myself and our country. To me it just says how good of a shot you took. I to will delete most of my comments. I think it just proves that your photo is worth more then a thousands words. I even had my dad look at it and he loved it :) Take care! Best of luck.
  2. Ahh lol. I'll have to ask him when he gets back. He's stationed at McChord the lucky bastard haha. His been in for 7 years, going on 8. SSGT too. I was suppose to join SP.. or I guess SF with him, but for some reason I didn't. But I'm going to go reserve as an SP soon. Hopefully if everything works out. They won't let me go active because I'm married to military and have two kids. OH well. Anyway, you've got some talant and your photos are great!
  3. I kind of know what you are going through. A little bit. My husband is in the Air Force. We were stationed in England for the past 4 years. I know, it's nice and cozy compared to the sand box. I had a cousin over there and talked him through it while he was there. My husband went there a couple times, and sent the first plane off into Iraq for the war. You are/did do(ing) a great thing. Not only for us here, but for those poor soals there. No matter if people think that we did the wrong thing or not, you know. You saw them and met the people and saw what Hitler.. oops, I mean Hussein did to those people. You are fully supported by most. To bad not all. Can't help the hippies. We've been back in the U.S. now for about 6 months. Even from England, all the TDY's, near death experiences, stuff like that, a part of you always will be back there. It is difficult to come back to so many freedoms. I'm still trying to get used to it. But know that if you ever want to talk to someone, someone is always ready to listen. Just shoot me an email if you want to chit chat. The photos you have taken are wonderful. memories for a lifetime. Take care


  4. Oh wow! No I didn't notice that! That's just awsome. And what the hell were you doing up there? Just wanting some photos? I sure hope you are selling them to do that to yourself. What am I saying, I'd probably be up there with ya if I had the chance lol! It's just awsome!


    I'm back in the US now. WOOHOO! Goodbye England! Was in Oregon last september. That's when I got the Portland shots in my portfolio. Check em out if you will, not to many people liked them heh. I'm really slipping. Anyway, we are stationed in North Carolina. I got a good shot of a tunnel here ont he Blue Ridge Parkway, and some lightning the other night. But I'm waiting for the flowers and the leaves and stuff to come back. Then I will try to get some more photos. Anyway, keep in touch! Keep that camera going!



  5. Very welcome. DO me a favor will ya.. check out some of my recent photos and tell me what I'm doing wrong or have lost or which ever. Thanks! Love this photo still. I can see why its one of your favs.
  6. I was back in Oregon for about a month or so in September. Drove accross the US to North Carolina which is now where we are stationed. Doing ok.. really freak'n' bored. Not doing so well with my photos either. I dunno, maybe just don't have the time or patience to take my time anymore. Two kids will do that I guess.


    Hubby is TDY again. Should be back with in a month or so.


    Year anniversery for plane crash is coming up, so that is hard. Anyway, good to hear from ya. Take care! Shoot me an email sometime.


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