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Image Comments posted by buns

    More tub...

    Oh the baby is sooo cute! Love your kids photos! My son turns one this week and will have to come up with something creative for his photo. Any ideas? Wonderful photo!



    I would love to chase, but you guys are just nuts! lol.. my husband and I were going to go out with a friend of ours a long time ago, but he ended up taking off to fast.. which was fine. My husband and I came pretty close to a tornado in Little Rock, AR in 2001, luckly we got to our base fast enough and the thing jumped over it. We still had to sit outside and watch all the trash cans flying down the street.


    I would love to get a photo like this, but.. well that's just it.. but. I'll leave it up to the real chasers haha. Great photo!

    Clouds' climbing


    Bet you thought I was going to say something rude. No, I'm not like you. You are a very good photographer. You're photos are very well thought of and very well done. This photo is very neat. I like the clouds and the blue of the sky. Compositions is very well done.


    Now why couldn't you leave a comment like that on mine, with out it being political? Just comment about the photo.


    This is beautiful. My little girl was my reason not only for a memory card, but for a camera better then a point and shoot! Wonderful portait!

    B-1 Lancer

    We're they doing a slow fly by? I've taken some photos of jets, and they are really hard to get for me. They usually are flying to fast to get a good photos. This is a nice shot though.
  1. Being an Oregonian, and its been a while since I've been home, this is a perfect shot. It is just what it looks like I were standing on the beach myself. I'm not sure if I would have as much sand in the foreground as you do, but like I said, it doe smake me feel like I'm standing on the beach. either way it works.
  2. This is a very nice photo. I like that its not exactly centered. The sky is different.. can't put my finger on it. It definetly looks like something out of an old movie. I might want to see a little more of the shadow and a little beyond it, unless its to busy and takes away from the photo. But I like it. :)

    Glimpse ...


    Was coloring easter eggs tonight, and thought of you. So here is my eggs photo lol. Not nearly as good as yours of course. It's actually proven to be harder then what it looks. kudos to you :D

  3. Since you think it is harrassment me emailing you instead of commenting on a photo, I will do this. First of all, no, what is illegal and up for investigation is giving your work email to PN. That is how I got your email. It is how mature people comunicate when there is a dispute. So that is the one you provided, that is the one they provided to me, along giving you my email address. PLUS! I do have a job. I'm a US Postal Worker, and have my date to join the air force you freak. I have done my duty many years ago as well. Joined Civil Air Patrol at age 15, doing military missions and search and rescues and so on. Again you assume to much. I do know what an MOS is you stupid thing. You think you are so smart don't you? Well miss thang.. you are not that. Calling me lazy because I haven't joined the air force yet? I'd call joining the army as a photo journalist as lazy. Why aren't you in the infrantry? To afraid I'd assume.


    You disrespect to military wives is showing your maturity. I have two children I take care of by myself, among working out. My husband is TDY at the moment. Oh and he almost died a year ago. Call that lazy? Try it. Most people who get out of the military and turn into military spouses join the military again because they can't handle it. Shove it up your ass. When I join and am protecting your stupid ass on one of my planes, I'd be sure to make it miserable for you as much as possible. Going to school as in Tech school.. is not impressive. Get over youself. You are not special, and not good either. This ends your communication.


    Was it snowing? It looks like it was snowing. It is a deffinate eye catcher. I've seen many castles, and you have captured it in a way I haven't seen yet. Well done.
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