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nate weatherly

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Image Comments posted by nate weatherly

    Rough-legged Hawk

    Great moment and capture here! The only thing that I might do to improve it is to add a bit of contrast and work with the colors a bit as there seems to be a slight magenta cast, especially in the sky. Maybe a simple hue/saturation focusing on blues or cyans would do it. Regardless, consider me jealous. Congratulations!
  1. I too like the first version much better. The posted version is over sharpened and much detail is lost in the black areas. To me keeping the man in the background works just as well as without. This is such a wonderful photo. Congratulations!

    Sanaz 3

    Nice expression and pose, but light seems a bit hot on her face and the background is a bit distracting (in my opinion) Also, it seems a bit oversharpened, especially her hair.

    Steeler FANS

    Nice looking family. : ) Unfortunately this seems a bit underexposed. Also, the Dog looks a little blurry. I would use fill flash (or more fill flash if you did use some) and maybe a tripod or higher iso film (or digital setting)


    Like the colors very much. I would probably try cropping a chunk off the bottom (beneath the road) as that area is very dark and doesn't really add anything to the photo. Good eyes. : )
  2. You've done very nicely making this photograph look like a watercolor (right down to the canvas texture) but I'm left wondering why not paint a watercolor to begin with? I agree with the above post. This would make a nice painting, but as photography, well, it isn't really photography any more. (this is not meant to be an insult to you as a photographer, just saying that anyone who looked at this would not think it was originally a photograph) I feel this way about all of the photo - paint conversions of late, not just yours.


    something about the lightig makes me feel like this was done in a studio, (As well as the fact that the wings are frozen so perfectly in the midst of obvious motion) Was this a real swan or a stuffed one in a studio? Either way the effect is beautiful and grace is certainly portrayed. Good job.

    Big Creek 62

    I don't know what is wrong with all these people, but to me it is obviously a zombie salmn with a hooked lower jaw. :) I love all of your dead fish photos. I've been spending much time (when i should be studying) browsing through ALL of your folders. Superb images.


    For some reason this looks more like something from a pixar computer animated movie than a photograph. The colorors, lighting and textures all look unnatural. Overuse of photoshop maybe?

    Blue balls


    beautiful work. (I'm sure it took quite a bit of work to get this) My only critique is acutally more of an opinion, I find myselfe wanting either more or less depth of field in the foreground. It seems to hover beteen focused and not and distracts me. But that's fairly minor, great overall. :)



    I saw the forms of women before I read any of the comments on the photo. I was surprised that other people did too. Congratulations! Good eye!
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