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Image Comments posted by billfoster

  1. Thanks for your kind comments. In fact, if you look at some of the early photos, I wrote "Kosovo?" or " ... wherever this is." I am well aware of both Serbian and Kosovar Albanian sensitivity on the matter, but it gets awkward writing things like "Kosovo(a)" and "The Kosovo Province of the Union of the Former Yugoslavian Provinces of Serbia and Montenegro." Here in Pristina, ambassadors are referred to as, for example, "the German ambassador in Belgrade" so they can skip the whole issue. If there were a Province block, I would put "Kosovo" in the provinces and leave the country block blank. Since that isnt an option, I will just do the best I can and hope that the people who would be offended will understand how much I appreciate their culture and that I am merely trying to highlight a little bit of it here.


    The colors are VERY nice. The green of the water against the grey of the storm works quite well. I assume the storm is an added layer? I can't see the shutter speeds for the water and the bolt being the same ....

    Pied Piper


    I agree with you completely. I find Kosovo(a) fascinating, but as I am a member of the peacekeeping force here security concerns and the workload unfortunately keep me from photographing things the way I would like. Most of my shots are just the result of opportunity. This shot for instance was about 300 meters away across a river and I only had a few seconds to snap it. I don't think that most of my shots of Kosovo(a) are that worthy, but I want to post something that shows an area of the world that is only famous for conflict but is still quite unique and interesting.


    I agree with you that B and W white would work better but I shoot everything digitally and I don't like B and W digital, it feels like PS manipulation or cheating. Nothing against those people who do it ... it's just not for me.


    I like the angle and the lens but I would crop a little off the bottom to give it a more panoramic look and PS out the guy and the two shadows in the foreground.
  2. I like it, but I hate the wall in the foreground. I shoot there and I know it's hard to miss it because of the railings. Perhaps a tighter crop would benfit this, an inch off the left and an inch off the bottom ... still though, nice shot.

    Youth movement

    We had this same stupid tube in Verona and I tried to take a good picture of it but never could. Congratulations on making a little art out of a really bad advertisment!
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