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Posts posted by mtwhite

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason that Canon uses in-lens stabilization because IS was introduced when film SLRs were predominant? Moving a sensor is one thing, moving the entire film compartment is quite another ball of wax.


    I agree on Bob Atkins' point on starting over. I like small bodies and small lenses and on-sensor IS, and Pentax's backwards compatibility with lenses is commendable. I'm been tempted to get a K100D with a pancake prime for street shooting for a long time.

  2. Seconding the M42-EOS idea if you don't mind doing everything manually, and want results on the cheap. I don't do much macro work, but I inherited an old Pentax Bellows-Takumar 100/4 along with its' bellows unit and get great results. It's cumbersome and annoying to set up, but extremely sharp.
  3. The article just glosses over the worst part: in North America, the cell carriers are extremely restrictive in what they allow people to do with phones. Sure, you can take pictures, but good luck getting that picture saved onto your PC without paying the carrier for the privilege of sending that data through their network. Not many phones take standard memory cards, and all too many carriers lock down the USB or Bluetooth options. The article implies that's changing, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
  4. As others have said, they'll mount with a simple metal adaptor on a lot of bodies from different companies, and they'll meter light just fine on most, but another thing to be aware of is that it's hard to manually focus with the small viewfinders in most DSLRs. I'll soon be replacing my M42-EOS adaptor with a pricier version that has focus confirmation for that reason.
  5. Chances are you're getting hit with the smart quotes problem under IE

    in some flavour of windows. The fastest way to stop that annoyance is

    to do a search on microsoft's site for disabling smart quotes in

    whichever version of IE you're using (click help->about internet


  6. WEP is horribly insecure if you're in an apartment building or another location where a patient person can collect wireless data for days or weeks. WPA is horribly insecure if you're using normal words for the password.


    Short version for security: use WPA, and string together random words with random capitals and random numbers, and you're pretty much safe.

  7. <p>I've noticed the same clockwise tilt with my XT on a few occasions. I always assumed it was because I was in a rush and rarely use a tripod. I almost never shoot straight-on horizontal or vertical architecture or landscapes anyway, so it's not a big deal for me personally.

    <p>It's possible that my Rebel 2000 had the same problem, but I had just never noticed it. I never shot slides, and always had to adjust a slight tilt from the negative scanner (a cheap flatbed) as a matter of course.

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