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Image Comments posted by tony_p4

    That's my boy!

    Beautiful social picture of a community here. I especially like the composition and cropping on this one. If the viewer takes the time to look there's a lot going on even though the front 3 figures are the main focus. Tony


    I love the lady, the pose, crop, tones and textures, but sorry for me the in the face lighting has blown this one for me. Could we see the original without the PS lighting effects? Tony



    Hi Matt,


    Never worry about the ratings even though they are useful at times. As you know yourself grain is very much a love or hate thing, so it's always a heroic gamble asking for a critique on them. As much as I love and value the portraiture critique forum, this one is really is one for the fine art section.


    When I get the really low odd rating without comment I remember two things. Firstly a unanimous vote shows only everyone in agreement. One vote against shows a democratic society. Secondly and I haven't looked yet who gave you the 2/2 without comment. But I consider them either ignorant or that they have nothing to offer you as a photographer. Sometimes both when they have nothing posted themselves, sad but one day they might get a life. I rated you as I saw (and see) your picture and would have hoped that your other ratings would have been at least averaged at around the 5/5 mark.


    You have created a beautiful piece of art and I can remember saying something very similar a while ago to someone who posted a stunning high grain picture on PN. He has continued and produced some fantastic work as I hope you will. Good luck and never be afraid to follow your artistic heart. Tony


    Nearly all the pictures in my portfolio are with HP5+ pushed and up to 1600 when needed. If you develop the negatives yourself it may be to your liking if you need extra speed. I have similar results pushing the Delta's as well, but good luck with the weather and the next shoot either way. Tony


    An interesting picture as are several in this folder. You might want to try some with a wider angled lens such as 35mm or even 28mm for the next shoot, but I'm sure you going to get some great results. Tony



    Hi Matt - As you say with grain it's very much "to each his/her own" and I happen to like it and have some in my portfolio. I actually like this shot because she didn't manage to completely hide and her hand is beautifully "posed". I have repaired the lab scratch (never let labs near your film when you can develop B&W at the kitchen sink!) and I also found a hair on it as well. Hope you don't mind as I've also boosted the grain a little with unsharp mask. Hope you like the results. Btw I find pictures like this are more appreciated in the fine art category and for me it's the best artistically in your portfolio so far. Tony


    Oval Officer

    I think if Thatcher had been a little more in focus and with a small crop off the top this would have been a very powerful picture, in many ways for the time. That said what you achieved in 20 seconds is to be proud of. I hope you will excuse me not rating this one as the rating system can't really reflect what you have achieved here. Tony
  1. The overall effect is very good and I really like the middle and right images. I think she is maybe happier when she is animated (moving) and her facial expressions are much stronger.


    The left image looks a little too soft when compared with the other two and I would have tried for the focus on her eyes. For me the eyes are the most important single part of a model, so try to get those as the focus and sharp.


    Hope this is of help to you and the kind of critique you were expecting / hoping for. Tony

    The natural power

    The Nikon D70 has the edge for me as it's more ergonomic and the viewfinder is less like looking down a narrow dark tunnel which I felt with the D10. Both are very nice pieces of kit though. That said I'm a Luddite and staying with the F100 and Film as long as I can lol Tony

    Festival Dancers

    I think you have captured just the right amount of movement here in a difficult situation. It really has a wonderful sense of atmosphere in every way. I also like the composition as it is. Btw Did you shoot this in single or continuous mode? Tony


    I love this one and the mixture of looks that gives her this look. On my screen her face looks a little softer than I prefer, but it's you call as the photographer. Tony
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