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Image Comments posted by tony_p4


    Juan, For me cropping through the eye can sometimes work when there is only one person in a portrait, but with two or more it gives the feeling you didn't have enough space to fit it in. Sorry maybe that's just me :-(
  1. Sometimes I sleep but the wonders of broadband means my laptop sits in the corner puring away like my well fed cat lol A lot of the time I am either working or relaxing by searching for the next picture of this mad world that is constantly revolving. I'm sure you have many beautiful ladies over there from what I have seen on the TV screen this week ;-)


    I completely agree with you and do include elements of it in some of my work. Some people are not so open minded though and happily your ratings are looking good. I like your additional image as well so hopefully we will see more of this series here.


    As you may have guessed cropping her right knee is distracting and quite abrupt. Also maybe if the fingers on her left hand were straighter and pointing down it would "flow better". Other than that I really like the lines and curves here.

    Media guys


    I do freelance for newspapers. Forget what you learn at photography school it's the picture editor that calls the shots based on knowledge of his / her readership and faces sell the papers. What do you expect to see, two people of the same sex holding hands or kissing?


    Where does it say they are "straight"? If they are what context are they there in? Is it relevant what their sexual preferences are as they are at the "Gay Pride Day" and having a wonderful time as has been captured here.


    The picture supports the story in a newspaper, as much as we enjoy our photography in journalism we play a supporting role not the main one usually.


    Advice picture editors gave me when I started to sell to them:

    1. Forget the arty cr*p you have been taught.

    2. Use wide-angle whenever and wherever possible.

    3. Get as close as possible

    4. Get lots of faces (either candid or looking at the camera).

    5. Get them here fast and usable.

    6. Nearly forgot, when you going digital so we can give you more work? lol


    Thinking about it, this picture is going up in my estimation as it is raising issues which is what a good picture is all about.

  2. Sadly high grain never seems to go down very well on PN. Happily I like ultra clean to very high grain look pictures. The grain has worked very well here transforming a straight forward portrait into an abstract. The shutter effect has provided just enough movement to give this a life of its own. It needs to be looked at and and studied by the viewer, not just given a quick glance.


    Poul, Alas I think some people will be put off by it being a "bondage picture". From my point of view it is beautifully and artistically composed, the tonal range is excellent and I for one really like it.
  3. The combination of you and the D70 is going to be very interesting, I can't wait to see the results. Looks like we are both of the same mindset this week, as we have both posted a "trash" picture as someone referred to above LOL
  4. Is nowhere safe from your imagination my friend? I love the way you see with a photographers eye and captured the colorful textures. A polarizer filter on this one would have cut that water ;-)LOL

    Media guys

    I don't quite understand the last comment posted but I guess that still shows stereotypical thought and assumptions. For me I agree this is a wonderful moment captured. I think a crop of the three figures on the right would also make an interesting picture.
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