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ivar olsen

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Image Comments posted by ivar olsen

  1. I quite like this one, but think it would have benefited from having a little bit more air around it. Just my two cents. :-)) On another note... we seem to be taking quite similar pictures. Here is my take on same subject as you just have posted here. Speak with you later! Ivar :-))



    Best Friends!!!


    I really like this old photo of my neighbours with their Irish Setter.

    What do you think of it? Ratings and comments much appricated! Ivar

    :-) PS! Best viewed large indeed....

  2. My mum and dad at Giants Causeway this summer. Indeed one of my

    favourite places to come to. Taken with a Canon Ef 75-300 IS-USM.

    Wanted to have a bit of different portrait of them. What do you think

    about it? Comments and ratings much appriciated! Ivar :-)


    Hi there!!! This is Ivar from Norway...but living in Dublin with Jetta. It is now almost 23:00 and Jaakko and I are sitting and looking at your photos with sone punaviinia. I'll be checking back in later! Kiiiippis!!! Ivar :-))))

    Gold Face

    What's under I don't know... could be paint, or simply what they use to get the gold to stick to the face. But what you see is gold... and typically quite pure. If you have a leaf in your hand and fold it/crumble it... it more or less dissapair. Amazing stuff. Used on Buddah's, head stones etc..etc. If you want to check out more I found this link: http://www.goldleafcompany.com/ Cheers! Ivar :-)
  3. A really clever idea which is well executed. Sadly IMHO your post processing lets you down a bit. Perhaps it's the compression of the file... anyhow. Cool photo. Ivar :-)

    latex gloves

    I like this a lot! I think it is a very well executed idea! IMHO I would have liked to see a bit... just a bit more tonal range left shoulder (by her chest and waist) but then again... I think this might be due to the lack of range in my screen.... Cheers! Ivar



    ...not if you live in Dublin... ;-)))

    Love it! Then again... you have a grip on me with your pictures of your pets and little girl. Again it looks like they are "one' They seem extreemly comfertably and happy together on all shots. No wonder it's man's best friend... :-)) Ivar

  4. I have to be honest with you. IMHO you lost a good chance to make a VERY decent photo here. The exposure sits well with HER.. yes. -But the background is far too burned out. IMHO glamour shots benefit VERY well from having a PERFECT exposure ALL over... not only the main subject. That is... of course unless it's done completely with intention, and if so I think it should look like that as well. Her posture is IMO a bit off. Her left arm looks really awkard, and combined with the twist it looks unfortunate with regards to her chest. Please don't take this the wong way as I'm only trying to be constructive, but then again... I'm not used to take these kind of shots at all.... so I guess it's easier to critique rater than showing results myself.... To Be Continued.. :-)) Ivar
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