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Image Comments posted by erol_a.

    Calla I

    I've rated it an 8/7, though I like it much more than that... there's no rating system for feel or effectiveness! Beautiful shot, it's somehow emotional in very ambiguous ways for me.

    Angry cloud

    Awesome sky, but the forground doesn't do it justice. I realise of course that may have been all you had to work with; sometimes photography is painful in that way.
  1. It really is a beautiful variation of the typical "midsections of trees on an overcast day" shot- the birdhouse and dabbles or morning light are wonderful! Well seen and well executed.
  2. I like the range of faces, though would maybe take a little off the right side to hold the image in tighter. I'm sure the print looks much better than the scan, so i can't comment on tonality, but I like the composition.


    Has that background been manipulated? The tones are pretty wild. Great shot- it's a classic composition, but your execution of it sets it apart. Good background, a subject with a certain nymphlike beauty, and a great expression. Very solid image with its own identity.


    Great natural light portrait- the scan looks a little rough, but the image looks very strong as far as composition, light, and subject/photographer relationship go. The pose looks natural and relaxed; a very effective portrait with real character and feel.
  3. This image really captures the slanted geometry and skewed angles the narrow anes in the Kathmandu Valley present. The feeling of walking those streets is amazing, and so variable depending on the time of day. I'm a big fan of your images here; thank you for sharing them.
  4. The problem with the sunburst is that it shows the light coming in at a different angle than the scene's natural shadows do. I find it slightly distracting and too obviously artificial without a purpose- it looks nice as is, but with this composition it needs a more believable dramatic effect (a more "active" sky, or such) which is to a point out of your control. In my opinion some clever cropping will maximize the impact of this image (which is well executed) more so than digital effects.

    serious child

    Pleasant, but nothing we haven't all seen in a "Save the Children" ad campaign. More content is required- we need to have more of a context to put the child in.

    Infrared barn

    Strong image- your use of the IR filter over a digital camera lens is original and produced a visually appealing result. I too prefer the colour image; it's just enough between believable and surreal to stand out. I don't think you should stop here and let this be your "successful image" but rather use it as a strong and encouraging starting point to create more photographs in a similar vein. Nicely done, please share more as you shoot.
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