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Image Comments posted by alejandrog


    overwhelming is the force of nature. but is intriguing that its growth has some mathematic explanation find out more: www.goldennumber.net
  1. great angle!!!! absolutly great! what a perfect use of b/w too!. congrats for this shot. i think the shadow does no good but also no bad on this shot. it was just there. Scott Johnston is a name of a famous skateboarder too!

    Mary and Ernie

    i have two things to mention. 1- the looking on the male subjetc. 2- the dark tones on his colth dont quite make him look in perfect shape. his shirt underneath would make a 180 change. i supose its a very important jacket as well.

    Red House

    i dont really know how to improve it... it is a very complex picture due to the white wall in the foreground. i simply couldnt do this with my camera. hmmm maybe a tilt down a bit??
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