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Image Comments posted by alejandrog

    La Gran Plaza

    me gusta como incluiste el punto central de la cupula para rematar la visual en la foto. buena decisi�n. me agradn las tonalidades, nunca me hubiera podido imaginar esta plaza en grises. muy buena foto!!!


    lo unico que me gusta de esta foto: todo. movimiento, imagen de vida, arte y diversion en un mismo encuadre, emociones dificilmente encontradas juntas en otras fotos. estabas escondido para sorprendernos muchachon?
  1. i am dumbfounded by this extreme flat angle shot from the back. i guess many dont know what this is. im just lucky to see such an amazing picture of one of the most important architects' work. man! it almost looks like a model.. is it?

    Fly in Heaven

    the title is quite funny! but leaving jokes behind, this is a very complex picture, i mean, flys move around quite fast and the fact that this one was captured so finely defined is somethig to applaude. great concept, i like this!
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