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Posts posted by john_gleason1

  1. <p>There's no good way to compare the angle of view of a lens for the 135 format with one for 6x6 format, without compensating in some way for the difference in aspect ratio. Decide how you intend to do that, and the rest is trivial geometry; but that first step isn't so easy.</p>

    <p>When I was struggling with this, I set up a chart that shows the angle of view of various popular focal lengths in 135 format and for 6x6 format, side by side. So, you can see what focal length sort of matches which other focal length, for various croppings (aspect ratios) that you can get from 135 and from 6x6.</p>

    <p>The JPG below shows a low resolution version of the chart. I've got a PDF version of the chart in much higher resolution. If you'd like a copy of that, just email me.<br>

    <img src="<a href=" alt="" /> <img src="http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn247/loesljrg/AngleOfView.jpg" border="0" alt="35mm vs 6x6" /> " alt="" /></p>

  2. <p>" even from the homebrew wine store where I have been directed."</p>

    <p>Odd. I've been making wine for about 35 years, and have yet to enter a winemaker's shop that did not have a very generous supply of potassium metabisulphite on hand. It's an absolutely standard item, for sterilizing equipment and such uses.</p>

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