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Posts posted by bill_dewberry

  1. <p>You can read what other people say and think they know, but the only true answer is for you to try MF and find out. Would you ask 20 people what sex is like, or would you find out yourself truly by participating ?<br>

    Get a mamiya RB system with a 127 lens and shoot some film.</p>

  2. <p>Well, actually his comment and attitude are very common for photographers in his line od work; I read an article in a large newspaper re: a portrait photographer, and he was using a Nikon D200. A very excellent wedding photographer I know uses a Nikon D 300; the point is, these professionals have excellent skills, years of experience, and the equipment they use is of minor importance; while we amateurs and wanna bees place first importnace on our equipment, and believe that having the latest and the best will make our images better. Wishing will not make it so.</p>


  3. <p>To get a really complete answer with details, google Jose Villa, a wedding photographer in California who uses film only, both MF and 35mm; he talks about what he uses and how he does it in various articles. The common thread to top end wedding photographers using film is Contax 645, and Richards photo labs in Los Angeles. Jose and other film photographers always mention how much less computer work is involved; they shoot film, send it to the lab for prints, processing and CD.</p>
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