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Posts posted by boris_chan1

  1. "ISO 100........test f1.4 - 8 @ 1/30 - 1 sec.......focusing

    spot.......person, a broom, a shiny thing, a lamp, with a

    hole-punched black card.......or a big leafy plant........"


    Do it and enjoy it, but don't pretend it's anything to do with

    photography. Bokeh, or whatever you want to call it, simply

    doesn't make or break images.

  2. "There should be comprehensive descriptions of lenses' bokeh,

    just as there are for sharpness and contrast."


    Should there be? I'm not even convinced that we need to test for

    sharpness and contrast anymore. Lenses from all the major

    companies (not just Leica) have given an acceptable level of

    performance for many decades now. Look at a Don McCullin

    print from the 60s and show me where those Nikon lenses were

    limiting his vision. Look at a Marc Riboud print from the 50s and

    show me how the qualities of those half-century year old Leica

    lenses were compromising the quality of his work.


    Lenses have been good for a long time now. The fact that many

    of the Leica forum heroes like Nachtwey routinely produce

    enormous exhibition prints from their cheap, "plasticky"

    16-35mm zooms seems to have passed many people by.

  3. You don't agree with Fusco's spin. Fair enough, but, why do you

    imagine that a "release" was signed by anybody in these

    pictures? Or even that there was any dialogue between the

    photographer and the families? I don't think you're

    understanding either the law or how photographers work.

  4. Gilles, whenever an EOS1 comes back from Canon following a

    repair or service the number of shutter cycles is printed on the

    report sheet. So you can always ask the seller if the camera has

    had a recent repair/service and ask to see the report sheet.

    However, I recently sold two 1ns which had way in excess of

    200000 cycles and were still operating just fine. 100000 cycles

    really isn't much to worry about - a camera that's been used

    regularly (and may even be cosmetically messy) is probably a

    better bet than a camera with just a thousand cycles that's spent

    10 years sitting in a cupboard.

  5. Rene, if you want to continue these threads I don't see any

    reason to stick to a strict page by page, picture by picture,

    chronological format. Fairly soon you'll find yourself in a situation

    where you reach blocks of pictures by individual photographers -

    12 weeks of, say, Gilles Peress Rwanda images is going to

    challenge everyone's stamina. Why not just give links to

    individual picture stories or photographer folios on the Magnum

    site? It should lead to a much better understanding of what the

    photographers are trying to achieve, and also spark more

    intelligent discussion.

  6. Randy Skopar: "If you find us unbearable, you could always

    request a "females only" Leica forum.........."


    Or, more postively, Quiche and others could request an "idiots

    only" Leica forum. If that was available then "Randy" could

    continue his racist and misogynistic rants in more appreciative

    company, and the rest of us wouldn't have to listen to him

    howling at the moon. How about it Tony?

  7. Randy, I feel your pain. Who couldn't be moved by your

    descriptions of discrimination against the white Christian male

    in modern America? If anybody doubts the very real effects of this

    vile anti-male, anti-white, anti-Christian bigotry look no further

    than George W Bush. We can only wonder how far this humble

    genius of a man would have got in life without the madness of a

    politically correct establishment thwarting his every move and

    aspiration. Shame on people like Another Bob who are blind to

    this blight on our society. Let's all stand shoulder to shoulder

    with Randy and light that cross for Jesus.


    God bless America...........

  8. Rene, once you've given a link to an individual picture on the

    Magnum site it's really easy for people to see the image in it's

    wider context - all they need to do is click on the story title and it

    should take them to the thumbnails from the whole set. The

    single picture thing probably works fine for more mainstream

    photographers like McCurry or Franklin, but when it comes to

    people like Delahaye and Gilles Peress it's just not going to

    make much sense. They work in such a dense and concentrated

    way that you need to see the images in context. If you get the

    chance check out Delahaye's book Winterreise (published by

    Phaidon), it's an astonishing set of pictures taken during an

    extended winter journey across Russia - it's as groundbreaking

    today as Robert Frank's The Americans was in the fifties.

  9. This isn't a particularly interesting picture in itself, but it comes

    from a really strong set of pictures of the conflict in Chechnya. I'd

    suggest that people check out the larger set, but, since Delahaye

    has resigned from Magnum, they're not available online at the

    present time. There's a real problem with these Magnum

    threads, because you're taking individual pictures out of context -

    it would make more sense if Rene aimed people towards the

    stories that the single images come from (with the exception of

    Delahaye they're all available on the Magnum site). For what it's

    worth, a lot of Delahaye's peers regard him as the outstanding

    conflict photgrapher of the last 15 years. He doesn't yet have the

    public profile of Nachtwey, at least not in the USA, but he's

    definitely pushed the bar higher.


    Trevor, I've no idea why this thread has upset you so much. If

    Rene had posted this out of the blue then you might have cause

    for concern, but, as I'm sure you know, he's simply been moving

    through the book chronologically - there's no reason to suspect

    sinister motives.

  10. ".......I've spending at least 20x reading about the Hitler regime in

    the last 20-25 years......."


    I believe you.


    "........I'm happy that people assuming others need assistance in

    thinking are not in charge today......in Europe........"


    You seem to fundamentally misunderstand what debate is

    about. For the last time, I believe in total freedom of expression.

    You have the right to celebrate the life and work of Riefenstahl,

    and I have the right to express revulsion at that same life and

    work. If someone tried to physically stop you praising

    Riefenstahl, then I'd do everything in my power to defend your

    right of expression. I had hoped that my earlier reference to

    David Irving would have made my attitude clear.


    "Lee Miller......nice photos.. but sorry not at relevance........"


    Miller is relevant as a direct contemporary of Riefenstahl. She is

    also relevant as a talented woman whose reputation has

    suffered as a result of misogyny - something you erroneously

    implied may be behind my attitude to Riefenstahl.

  11. Frank: ".......I have seen all her films......critical articles about

    her......for more than 15 years......countless

    TV-documentaries......and interviews........I doubt if Susan Sontag

    has spend so much time........."


    I'm more than prepared to accept that Sontag, myself, and

    probably most others have spent nowhere near the amount of

    time that you have studying Riefenstahl.


    ".......you mentioned only........Sontag.......as argument so I guess

    you don't know anything more......."


    I mentioned Sontag only in response to the suggestion that I

    was unique in seeing anything remotely dubious about the life

    and work of Riefenstahl. There's a great deal of critical analysis

    other than Sontag's out there.


    ""Olympia".......show the rassistic scenes. If not, end of debate."


    The debate is about a life's work and motivations, not a single



    "I will go in for *any* other artist.......when I read stupid

    things......from ignorant and hypocrisy people......."


    Well that wasn't very "courtly". Do you believe that everyone who

    has reservations about Riefenstahl is ignorant and hypocritical?

    Or just me?


    "I know........strong independent woman is too much for certain

    people (men)."


    So the primary motivation for being wary of Riefenstahl is

    misogyny? Where does that leave Sontag? If you want to

    champion the cause of strong, talented women in general, let

    me suggest one of Riefenstahl's contemporaries, Lee Miller

    (www.leemiller.co.uk). Miller produced work of the highest

    standard (I particularly recommend that you check out her

    photographs of the liberation of the Buchenwald and Dachau

    concentration camps) but, until recently, was dismissed as little

    more than an adornment to the men (such as Man Ray) in her



    ".......could it be that you see Nazis all around........"


    It could be, but I don't think so. I'm certainly not comfortable with

    the current climate in which any critic of Israel is likely to be

    accused of anti-semitism. However, I also think it's naive of

    people to believe that the beliefs espoused by the Nazis have

    simply evaporated.


    "Where do you live?"




    "Man, I pray you'll never meet a Nazi in person to learn about Nazi



    If it's OK with you, I'll cheerfully go without your prayers.

  12. "OK?"


    If you don't want to clarify why the defense of Riefenstahl means

    so much to you, then, yes, it will have to be OK. However, I don't

    believe that it's inappropriate of me to be curious as to why the

    two primary supporters of Riefenstahl in this thread have shown

    no interest in any other thread pertaining to photographers rather

    than equipment. I also believe that it's not inappropriate to be

    curious as to why the person who ignited the thread, and then

    simply stood aside during the debate, apparently also goes by

    the name "Parakommando"?

  13. Frank: "My way is to argument by facts........."


    Sadly, despite your claim, throughout our dialogue you have

    misrepresented my statements, and, seemingly, feigned

    ignorance of the possible implications of the imagery produced

    by Riefenstahl in her later work. I welcome debate, but I see no

    reason to hide my revulsion towards those who seek to sanctify

    a woman who was a key Nazi propagandist, a personal friend,

    and an admirer of Hitler. I'll ask the question again: Why is this

    the only non-gear related thread you've contributed to? Many

    photographers have been criticized in these forums, but you've

    never felt the need to defend their honour. What makes

    Riefenstahl so worthy of your defense?

  14. Frank, you need to get out there and engage with some of those

    students who are studying the life and work of Riefenstahl. They

    certainly haven't all come to the conclusion that she was simply

    a misunderstood environmentalist and philanthropist as you

    seem to imagine.


    Questioning what Allan, or anybody else, has done for the

    Sudanese people is an utter irrelevancy to the debate regarding

    the motivations of Riefenstahl. I have a question for you though:

    Why, like David Fink, is this the only non-gear related thread

    you've ever shown an interest in? I'll be honest, I find your

    contribution here really disturbing. Am I saying I think you are a

    supporter of Riefenstahl because of Nazi sympathies? No, just

    as with Riefenstahl I haven't met you in person, so I don't know.

    But your demeanour while discussing a key Nazi propagandist,

    and your insistence on "courtliness", certainly gives me pause

    for thought and an overwhelming feeling of being soiled by your


  15. OK Andrew, we know what you don't like: David Alan Harvey; US

    photographers with single names; Australian photographers

    whose first names end with the letter e - Narelle and Trente;

    Australian photographers who win the Oskar Barnack award -

    Autio; Australian photographers who win the Gene Smith grant -

    Parke; Bob Appleby; digital cameras; and me.


    What do you like? I'm serious, I'd really like to know. Which

    currently working photographers make you wag your little tail?

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