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w. roger keagle

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Image Comments posted by w. roger keagle


    Funny, the grates in Seattle are perfect for this, we have had a wonderful time in Seattle so far. Hope to catch up with you before we leave.
  1. Would you look at that sky ! Great shot, perspective is great, always hard to cover these huge ships with so much detail, this is perfect, we all know what the rest looks like, so let us use our imagination, our minds need the exercise. (Well mine at least)

    Oregon Rainforest


    We have booked into a really nice place here in Edmonds Washington, close to the water, near the train and next the the sweetest little town. Today we will take the ferry, also close at hand, to Kingston, across the Sound with my two boys and their ladys. This is so perfect, we plan to spend a week here, so there will be more pics, more adventures and more fun ! Seattle awaits us as well ! Wheeeeeee !


    Flight out is on the 30th, so time to relax a bit now that we do not need to pack the car each day and can spread out a bit...laundry, re-pack etc.



    Someday digital will rule...I know for one on a trip like this digital is great, I have images on my Hasselblad in the form of several rolls of B&W waiting to be developed...that in itself is a good, bad...good in that it will be a suprise when they are done, bad in that I do not have them ready to share...in fact, I may wait until I get my darkroom ready in Oz.


    It is so very nice to have this way to share our trip, what an adventure ! We have about 3000 images to sort though...!

    Oregon Rainforest


    Mate, this trip is far from over...we have yet to fly the big bird to Oz, were the trip only begins.


    Very sorry we did not link up...in the flesh anyway, but there is still plenty of time left for all of that...and you have not seen the last of Linda and I. This trip taught us at least one thing, and that is that there is a huge country here with a LOT going for it !


    Thank you for your kind words, (I know in my heart that Linda is better at this, but don't tell her !)


    With a HUGE but ! I will never give up my film camera...although if I had the cash, I would get a digital back for the Blad ! It will be a very long time before we replace a fully articulated view camera with anything digital...
  2. I have learned over the years what we see is often not what the camera sees...each time we use our eyes, our iris adjusts to various light in any one given view...thus we will never be able in a single exposure do this on any single picture. Our one eyed instrument, the camera is to limited for this. We then must find some middle ground. Ansel Adams used the following rule, expose for the hightlights and the shadows will take care of themselves. It is not that easy of course, otherwise he would not have spent so much time after exposure working each print to perfection, or rather HIS perception of perfection. What we find pleasing seems to find certain rules...and this is even harder to learn. One rule I have learned is that gray needs white and black to really look good, most of the time, exceptions of course. High and low key work for example.


    Me. I like the darker sand, sure I know sand is gray, but I also know that the sky has detail, with out digital software, your only choice is to darken the sand to get the sky...

    At Last!

    Crisp and full of flavor...nothing like really fresh tree ripened apples...we are at the end of the first part of the trip, Seattle, Edmunds really, just North of town, a really magic place...first night here ringed in mountains and water, how grand !

    Westward Ho !


    In my Hippy days I built a house here on the coast (Nehalem), spent 12 years here, became respectable and such (School Board, helped start community theater ect)


    Standard stuff, played, surfed, fished, hunted, and got bored, and left for New Zealand 29 years ago.

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