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w. roger keagle

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Image Comments posted by w. roger keagle

    Red Hot 57


    Welcome back to the states, we are headed off to Oz...tomorrow ! I really liked what you had to say about PN and comments, how very true !


    I will watch with interest to see if my old State of Oregon changes your outlook...


    With interest, Roger

    Edmunds Dockside


    Fall by the water is so very different from other places. The water

    turns cold and dark, smells more distant, sounds clearer for some

    reason. Here in Edmonds there are so many inputs, ferries, trains

    and boats everywhere. Here on the weather worn docks, winter is

    starting to take hold, boats are being taken out of the water for

    their protection and leaves are just falling off, making way for new

    ones in Spring.


    We are off to Oz, (Australia) where it is now Spring, and the

    adventure continues.........

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