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Image Comments posted by mr-mike



    Since you went for so much definition (and your model seems to spend endless hours in the gym!) why is the photo blurred and not crisper? Perhaps the fuzziness enhances some sculptural effect, but I think that could have been done with the most minor lighting tweaks, or even exposure adjustments.


    The model is far more awe inspiring than this version of the photo, at least to me, and I'm straight!

  1. I don't care if he soaked it in dye and had HAL 9000 manipulate every pixel The image is stunning, and when I opened it up, I said "Wow!"


    We have to remember photography is an evolving art form, and using the tools avilable to maximize impact is perfectly acceptable. Just like HDTV is overwhelming because it conveys depth of field and detail across a much broader arc than the human eye can process, this sort of image "expands the visual vocabulary" as some of the more cretinous contemporary art dealer might say!


    Keep it up.



    Mystery Course

    The first rater gave this shot a 4.0 / 3.0, no critique. How exactly would you make this shot better aestheticaly and more original? It's a coastal course, I have no aerial transpor! Suggestions! SHow me a better way!

    Mystery Course


    How do you capture a golf course that sits 80 feet above the ocean

    with miles of fairways along the precipices over dazzling coves with

    rolling 6-8 foot breakers throwing a blanket of mist over everything

    without a helicopter? I tried, Lord, I tried!


    This is a very pretty woman. Why do you photograph her from above so much? You shorten her elegant body and do her features no favors!

    Crater Sunbreak


    Unmanipulated photo of sun breaking through clouds at Ngorongoro

    Crater. Challenging exposure, handled well by averaging. Needed

    higher ISO to get it all handheld. All that's been done is a slight

    histogram adjustment. Could be enhanced with dodging/burning but not

    sure it's necessary/honest??

    Fallen Foliage


    These leaves were frozen in a layer of ice on an outdoor table's

    glass top. I got under the table and shot up toward the sky, with a

    low sun angle.



    I don't know what the subject is, but I thought it was some sort of ignition... so I figured you took it with a Canon Powder Shot... a little pun!

    A nice image... very cool...

    Faraway Eyes

    You emphasize this pretty girl's worst features in the most unflattering possible angle and lighting. The tonality is good, but this is a very unfortunate portrait.
  2. This shot ws a real test of the camera's zoned metering! It got all

    the details, and just a minor bit of dodging in the lower right

    brought out shadow detail I never would have gotten on film.


    For some reason, this photo really satisfies me -- it captures all

    at once what I could only see with my eyes one piece at a time. Sort

    of like the way HD TV is better than natural vision in the sense

    that it brings incredible focus and depth of field to a far wider

    angle of view than natural sight can ever do.



    How do you get a 100KB file to convey the subtlties of a 20MB file

    (70MB .tif file?)???


    This is the best I could do, and it's not even close to doing this

    image justice.

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