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Posts posted by ken_kartes

  1. Hi Scott, I have done some panoramas with my D70 and a tripod. I hope you can swing the camera in a 360. Turn the grids on and use that as a guide. I keep the water line in the middle. Start either left or right and view the shot, If you are level the water line will stay on track with the central grid line all the way around, make adjustments to the tripod as needed. I have used different lens, 24mm, 50mm and 85mm. I like the primes as they the sharpest and if you are going to enlarge the photo you want a sharp image. I have shot with the camera both vertical and horizontal. It can be challenging to get the correct overlap with the 24mm vertical. Just keep your tripod in the same spot and change focal length or lenses until you are done shooting. I used Canons panorama software as I have a Canon digital p&s, not sure if you can download it for free or not but it is pretty good. I have not used any other programs so I have no input on that. I try to overlay 1/4 to 1/3 on each shot, try different combinations. Shoot alot of combinations while you have the tripod set up, it is much easier and a better time saver than only shooting one set of photos for a pano and finding out you needed to do something different. Set your camera to manual and pick a high F stop for better depth of field and keep the setting on your camera for the whole series of shots. As said about do not use a polarizer, it will throw off the sky lighting. UV is fine and I would suggest having the sun at your back. I would shoot mostly without the ND filter to start and touch up the pano after you splice all the shots together and edit with Photoshop.<div>00LCdL-36585484.jpg.9281d950fee267b4c5964bbcc80f1a1e.jpg</div>
  2. Call the nearest AFB and talk to the base photographer. I don't know how near you live to a base but it would be worth your while to at least talk to a photographer. I have no regrets of my time in the Air Force, but it is not for everyone. It is a great way to start out in life for most. You can or at least could get a guaranteed job when I was in, I got out in 1989. If you can talk to at least two photographers. Keep us posted.
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