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Image Comments posted by john_stark


    Actually it is a good choice to post a "bad" one when your learning, otherwise you won't learn what was wrong and, now that you know you can adjust for it and better shots as well as more quality shots.


    Need a bit sharper focus on subject. Empty space should be at front of car, although where it came from is ok I guess. Appear to have a great location to shoot from, thats always a plus.



    Unfortunately nothing is in focus. In addition it is too blown out. Kick shutter speed up, lower ISO (if your using DSLR) or get slower film. For the lighting you could use 200 at most with a similar shutter speed.

    Keep practicing, panning at low shutter speeds takes a lot of work to get right.

    Figure 8 Qualifying


    Taken during qualifying for figure 8 race. No flash, used only

    available light. Canon 1D, Sigma 70-200mm. Unedited, just resized for

    web. Shutter 1/64, f/2.8, ISO 1250. In the background are the cars

    that already qualified, prked on the backstretch. This shot just seems

    to scream power & speed. The lighting seemed about as perfect as I

    could ask for, even the shadows in the rear wheel well and on the

    ground. Comments?

    Hoop and Harm

    Very nice action shot. However the color is off. Not sure if you can do it since your camera isn't listed but lowering the color temperature to between 4900 & 2900 will remove the yellow tint. Then run it through PS levels & color correction to fixt he colors. Color temp is something you can play with if you have a good digitital camera. If it's too yellow (warm) keep lowering the number, too blue (cool) raise the number to get correct temperature.



    Just out walking around, thought the water falling from the bucket

    looked neat and took a few shots. They were clearing the bridge where

    it was blocking the creek

    Leap Of Faith

    Nice shot, I think it could be better without the other girl in the background not walking away, say if she watching the girl jumping instead, or just cropping her out altogether.
  1. Hi Rob,

    Well I'm not one who likes B&W all that much. I guess if the world was B&W that would be different but it IS color. I could have also cropped it tighter but I didn't because you really loose the element of where the track worker is headed. With his feet showing you see he is actually headed towards the car, and he did. He was the first person to Ed, running towards him as the car came to a stop.

    Icy Haze

    Yeah it is a strange effect. I think the lower part isn't as pronounced due to the ripples and darkness of the water. This was one of my first shots with this lens, taken behind my campsite. It had snowed then rained causing a bit of a mess, but a neat effect here. Thanks to all who responeded!

    Street racing

    Great idea behind the shot. I agree the van isn't good, but it's hard to compose a fast shot like this which probably explains why the bike & rider are out of focus. Good crop.
  2. Nice shot. Appears a bit dark, not sure that could be my monitor though. Right side of rear wing too close to edge. Need a bit more space in front of car to give direction as to where the car is headed
  3. Very nice capture David. As a sports photographer myself I have often wished that our shots could be used as a review tool. On one occasion I got that chance at a midget race and it saved a driver from being suspended, the one who complained wound up getting suspended though as it was his fault.... pictures tell the truth.
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