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guy ronkar

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Image Comments posted by guy ronkar

    free me

    Very good, I really like it!

    Sehr schoen ist das Schattenspiel auf ihrem Koerper, es macht das Bild interessanter. Nur der Schatten auf ihrer linken Seite unter dem Bauchnabel ist vielleicht etwas zu dunkel, aber gut, man kanns auch uebertreiben....

    ueber das Model brauch ich ja wohl nichts zu sagen :-)



    Thanky you for taking the time to comment!

    We were real fortunate to see a cheetah in the wild, and got pretty close too. You seem to be interested in wildlife photography (your wildlife portfolio is REALLY great), so a trip to South Africa could be worth it. It's a great country, not only because of the photographic opportunities!



    Well, most of the Zebras we saw were actually more brown and red, not black and white, so apologies accepted :-)

    Of course the original was in color, but for now I'm pretty much into this slight Sepia stuff, so we'll see.

    BTW, no need for excuses, I rather like your sense of humour


    White Rhino

    I'm not from South Africa, I'm from Luxembourg. It's just that I passed almost all of November touring from Cape Town to Jo'burg on a photographic Safari. I like it a lot, in fact I'm planning on returning there late 2005.

    The Drowning

    I always keep coming back to these shots, wandering what it might be, but you're right, it wouldn't be an abstract anymore. Anyway, knowing would take the fun out of it! Well done


  1. Even though it is a new idea, it's a classic McCracken. You really seem to have found your style, one recognizes your pictures at once. Now don't you get me wrong, I mean this as a compliment!

    I know it is brown on purpose, but maybe you could also try it in B&W, which could enhance the concept of simple shapes coming together (hope you see what I mean).

    BTW, it even presents some basic form of tilt :-)



    Thanks for your comment, I apreciate it!

    You should see it in print, it is rather impressive. For me it really conveys the feeling I had when I took it.

    Depending on your guide, you get REAL close to elephants, and they are simply huge! Mind you, this is shot out of an open Landrover, at around 50mm focal length.....



    Someone suggested that my pictures are too small for evaluation, so I uploaded something BIG... :-)

    Comments are always welcome

  2. Blyde River Canyon - South Africa

    Shot just before sunset, there were very dramatic clouds. The lighting was very uneven, creating a bright glow on some parts and leaving dark others.

    Comments are welcome!

    White Rhino

    BTW, I am pleased that the very first picture you choose to comment on (on your very first day here at PN) is one of mine! :-)

    Welcome to photo.net!


    White Rhino

    Thanks for taking the time! The reason for the grey border is that it is part of a printed portfolio in which all images have grey borders, which suits most of them very well. So in order to maintain a consistent presentation, I had to stick with it for this one too.

    I agree that the colors are a bit greyish, unfortunately it suffers a lot from the compression. In print it has a very different look with very subtle graduations of black, which unfortunately isn't really the case here on the web....

    I like your version, if I find the time I will give it a try myself and upload it. Thanks again for taking the time!



    Mkuzi Privat Game Reserve - South Africa

    It suffers a bit from the JPEG and PN compression, in print it looks VERY lively :-)

    Comments are welcome, as always

    White Rhino

    Addo Elephant National Park - South Africa

    They were there to drink, when a lone Buffalo came along. They tried to bully him away, but he wasn't that impressed....

    As always, comments are welcome!

    Just waiting

    Mkuzi Private Game Reserve - South Africa

    There were 12 Lions arrayed around a water hole, kinda like spectators in an amphitheater. They were just waiting for the next animal to come to drink there.....

    Shot handheld at ISO 3200 in very low light

    Tilted Fashion


    Well, it's definetely a McCracken, with the tilt and all :-)

    Don't get me wrong, I think this works very well, and I like the tilt very much. I think you've developped your own personal style, and you absolutely should continue in that direction. (Did I say nice lighting, by the way? :-) )



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