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guy ronkar

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Image Comments posted by guy ronkar


    I like the concept, very creative. Like you say, a dream come true. To me, it expresses something you always see in a magazine, and suddenly it jumps out, it's there, it's real!

    That's what I first thought when I saw it, if it's what you intended, then well done!

    Just a little critque, I'm not so fond of the border, maybe a plain white one would be better


    Beauty sleep

    Very good composition. Obviously the first thing you notice is the swan (do you call it like that?) itself. But then your eyes are very strongly drawn towards the bottom, where you have a very nice and very symmetrical reflection kinda shaped like an arrow which points you towards the single feather, just in case you didn't notice it before :-)

    The feather adds a strong second point of interest, the beautiful reflection prevents your eyes very effectively from wandering outside the picture. Overall a very good composition, I think the reflection and the feather make the shot.

    Just for a little nitpicking, what distracts me a bit is the little white point just below the bird (like I said, nitpicking), and the thick white frame. Maybe a much thinner frame would be much better suited to the subtleties of the picture. Of course, that's just me.

    Hope you understand some of this, sometimes I have trouble expressing myself in English




    It kinda reminds me of an advertisement for a beauty product, or maybe a perfume.

    I like the very graphic nature in this shot, and she seems very relaxed. To me it has a very balanced feel to it, she seems to be in complete harmony. What strikes me most are her eyes, I think that's exactly your intention. I think the reflection in her eyes contributes greatly to the overall expression.

    The slightly offset fingers break the balance just a little bit, which adds a nice second interest.



    I do a lot of horse shots myself, I know its not always easy to make them look good! I like it a lot, it is very well balanced, and gives the feeling of a nice and calm day.

    Their world definetely seems to be in peace.


  1. Actually, I had exactly the same thing in mind. Unfortunately, the head is slightly out of focus, which isn't noticeable on this size ofprints, but it is on bigger prints, or when cropped. I went as far as print it out on A3, but finally disregarded it, the OOF is just too much of a distraction. I'll see if I can find the cropped version, and upload it.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, it really is appreciated, also on my other pictures.


    Chinese Eskimo

    Yes, it really conveys the feeling of cold, even her look is rather cool. BW definetely is the right choice! I also like the negative space behind her, and the short space in the direction she's looking, this together with the look on her face really creates a cold and rejecting feeling. (jeez, I think the problem of expressing my thoughts in english really lies in the family). I hope you see what I mean...


    Out of Season

    Who are you, and what have you done to Mr. McCracken?!? :-))

    Humor aside, I really like the colors, I think you have done great with this (my color work usually isn't worth the paper it's printed on)


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