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Image Comments posted by jxiong



    i disagree wif miksch.. the dodging and burning is a technique that has been present since the film times.. it is a great technique help the photographer to create the perfect mood he wants to portray and shd not be looked down upon..


    i find the mood created in this shot to be perfect, nice green pastures in the foreground to the dark rollin clouds in the background.. gives a forebodin feelin to it.. i would love to print this and hang it on my wall.. great work! ;p


    a masterpiece.. one of the best zebra shots i have seen.. great sense of motion and the lightin was perfect.. simply awesome! great work! ;p

    cloud burst..

    hi mark... i only boosted the saturation by +5 and no further effects were added.. it was a really spectacular phenomenon we witnessed on tat day.. cheers!

    Lonely Soul


    hi matthew, i can feel the emotion in his eye.. great work.. sometimes i wonder if this is the onli way to catch candid shots of pp.. somehow, i believe that no one wants anyone else to juz grap a shot of himself off the streets.. it is like taking a part of him away, invadin his privacy..


    i would like to ask how u usually approach this type of shots.. do u talk to dem after the shot? i like to take emotional portraiture shots too but dun dare to really try dem out..



    hi JC, this is a great shot.. well seen and well captured, an excellent composition.. the lady in the background really makes this shot unique and the looks on both their faces are perfect.. great work! ;p


    glad to find another singaporean!

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