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Image Comments posted by robidooo

  1. Hey why France?! But if you want to learn real French, I guess it's the place! Here in Quebec, it is becoming more and more an hybrid dialect. Heave use of slang and more and more use of English expression. I guess its a natural thing since we are surrounded by English speaking people.


    Uncle Bill tools...Uncle Bill is Gill Gate and his tool is MS Words which is the only grammatical corrector I have access to when it comes to English writing. But as I told you, I don't use it too often, its too long and 'complicated', as a process.


    OK, see you on the next photo my friend!

    I am Yemeni

    Absolutely no problems Robert! I'm very used to it. Since little school I'm called Stephanie once in a while. And here on Photo.Net is no exception. I can't count on my two hands how many times it happened!
  2. And if you find too much mistakes in my writing, let me know, I try to get better and better, but sometimes the spell checkers have their limits! They don't know too much grammar, and I don't always feel like resorting to Uncle Bill tools to check my writing.
  3. You are making me learn a lot of new words today! I'm grateful for this.


    I missed the critique circles, but from what I heard, it was really a good idea. Why did it disappear?


    Anyways, I will wait impatiently your next piece of work. Commenter's are right that your photo are not only photos, they are "Crosley". I really enjoy your vision of the world we live in.


    Maybe one day I will overcome my shyness and be able to take some street photography. I do sometimes, and like it, but I'm a little "shy" of posting them on the internet. Do you ask permission to everybody you have in your photo?


    Oh, and yes, maybe we should revive the Controversial Image Alerts. But in a form that does not ask for too much involvement either. I'm already working hard on Picture This, and I sometimes enjoy simply commenting here and there on photo. And then, there is the more thoughtful comments I read and try to write by following your traces on PN!

    Down to Earth

    Pnina, it's simply because the goal of the themes is to let go your creativity with the theme and not only go in your archives. Otherwise, we would only be another type of no-words forum. Of course, you could always post old photo and no one would know. But you would not get back all there is to get back from PT. It is about helping us with improving our imagination/creativity, as well as our technique.

    Down to Earth


    I can say you are getting very good at this technique... and this is where the technical idea come from...


    Regarding the dust on the sensor, I guess I sometimes try to avoid using small apertures, just not to come with the surprise of seeing dust! I have all I need to clean it, but I prefer not! But that day is approaching fast since I swap lens often these days.

  4. I agree, not everything is fraud. But I find that there is a lot of fraud in our government. The base of democracy is a fraud by itself. When you think about it, the way the voting process works, only the rich and powerful can access to the higher position in the government. I find it is more of a popularity contest than a real election of the person that can do the better job. It's the same thing as any popularity contest; if you are able to 'sell' yourself, people will vote for you. And in politic, the people than have the more money are able to have the best marketing campaign.


    All is about the image. Everything is about the image. We live in a world where we are sold image. Take the 'stars' world. How come people get so much attracted by all those 'stars'? Image. Your are told that this star is good and everybody thinks the star is good and adulate that person. And then, all the young people stars to dress and act like their favorite star. No wonder why they now all create their own clothing and perfume lines! Everything to make money...


    This relate to photography as well. All is about conformism. Someone told that cheesy sunsets, bright vivid colored landscapes, artsy nude, etc. are great and are real photo. Then everybody try to makes similar photo to be admired at their turn. Just look at the TRP... Beside a couple of exception, it's all the same over and over. No new emotions I find. No new ways of looking at things. And your work is not of this trend, which is why I admire it so much. But I can complain as much as I want, myself I get into that trend sometimes. I do make that cheesy photo of a flower or of a bird from time to time. No way I try to win a popularity contest however. I do not have time nor the desire to 'lick all the stuff that needs to be licked' to get on the top page with every photo I put here!


    Anyways, I like your work (photographic and writing) for all this. Always thought provoking.


    And sorry for writing all that here... I always find it's a good place to vent!

  5. Very astute as well. It is so true the capitalism & democracy are probably the best model, but as long as it stays in balance on a very small line. Sadly, this balance is not so well maintained these days. In Canada, in the USA, & in most of other big democracies around the world, democracy is is heavily trending to the right of that line, sometimes to the far right.


    On the count of protecting our freedom, they reduce our freedom. On the count of serving us, it is fraud after fraud after fraud.


    But still, I find it is the most interesting form of government. In fact, the only problem democracy really have is that the voters do not care most of the time.

  6. John, it everywhere the same. Where there is a dollar (or ruble) to make, whatever it implies, there will be people to try and make this dollar. Sometimes, I feel capitalism is the worst disease of all. But again, how much of a disease it is? Maybe is it in the very nature of the human being.


    Very original shot. I like it! I do agree that the top is a little overexposed, but it does not distract me too much.
  7. Tasteful solution to stay warm! Funny I was reading an article on how many dead there is in Russia each years directly caused by heavy drinking habits. They were stating 25 to 30 thousands a year. They were not saying if it was only people drinking or also 'related' dead because of car accident.


    On the photo itself, I like the fact that you framed it tightly. I find it makes the viewer more in 'contact' with your subject, like we are entering in his life.



  8. Except for the little portion that is not blue on the top right, I really like this one. Just the posture of the kid shows the she(?) is having a lot of fun sliding. I like the softness in this photo. It add a lot to the mood.

    Down to Earth

    Very nice movement here. You should have wait a couple of days to take it and post it under the new technical folder! But I'm sure it's an older shot. Anyways, I like a lot the effect you captured. I did post one similar in essence to this one sometime ago. It is really something I like a lot as a photo effect.

    ___& ___

    I like the toning and angles of this shot, but I would have include less foreground. Maybe a crop so the diagonal cut the photo in two equivalent size portions.

    Nap Time


    I like the guy on the top right that is taking a photo of you taking a photo. It's also interesting to see the two "couple" sleeping together in a set-up like this. And the "guard" is interesting also.


    As said, a good documentary photo with a lot to explore.

  9. Very nice photo. Only thing I like less is the close crop on the left. I do like the way the accordion player is looking at your direction but not directly at the lens. Maybe you had the camera at waist level?


    Too bad for the leaf on the bottom left. Very nice DOF and a cleaver move to convert it to a toned B&W. I like a lot overall.
  10. For the legs, you could maybe burn them much more.


    On the composition, I like it, but I still find a little more space on the top and right would make it better. The top is more problematic than the right however. Still, it is not that much of a problem.


    To me, it's a split decision as to whether I like or not having the bubbles in focus and not the little girl. I would say I would like to have both in focus! But seriously, I think that having the bubbles in focus is a nice and different approach than what we usually see. However, I feel that by having the bubbles in focus, you relegate to the second plan the importance of the little girl, who I guess was you main subject anyways.

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