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Posts posted by mark_ridout1

  1. <p>Everyone and their Uncle has taken a shot here ;)......use the gazebo for a few intimate shots or for cover if it rains. The parking lot looks like it would spoil anything you set up not to mention that your group stuff needs to be better then the other 15 photographers that end up here week after week.......think out side the .... gazebo.</p>
  2. <p>As far as what I would have done....called the photographer.....have him stop by my office and proceed to show him that he should really be looking at a new hobby. I then would have offered him 1/3 of the deal. If he didn't like that and thought he deserved full payment I would have kicked him out of my office with nothing.</p>
  3. <p>I like the simplicity of the card, the layout is great considering your not a designer. You really need a smokin"image though. An image that wows the holder.....not an image that your neighbor could take or any other photographer for that matter. Once you find an image that exemplifies your style and expertise...print it! The lowercase letters on your name looks great! leave it alone...</p>
  4. <p>The odd time I'll use my middle finger to get a point across but after 26 years of shooting I don't need to talk to my assistant or use radios to communicate....although using a radio my hand signal wouldn't get picked up by a confused guest</p>
  5. <p>shoot it like a sports event!<br>

    -Photograph the usher spilling beer on the bride<br>

    -a guest picking his nose<br>

    -the bride giving her new husband sh^%<br>

    -the Grandma grabbing the best mans A$$<br>

    I think you get it :) Go with the flow....be creative,....throw away those cliche shots and give us what we all want...fresh creative images.</p>


  6. <p>Hey Niki,<br>

    if your pocketbook could afford it I would go with www.redcart.com Yes its a tad more at the beginning but then you would not be giving any fees away as you fulfill your own orders and host your own gallerys. With so many labs offering ROES you don't even have to leave the office. It was the best investment i made in 2008 and has more then paid for itself.In fact it paid for itself within two months. (I was previously doing my fullfillment similar to what you are currently doing and switched because I didn't want to give any more profit away) I did see Show My Photos when they first started but haven't heard much about them. I believe they are based out of Toronto Canada</p>

  7. <p>Hi Joshua,<br /> I currently offer a registry through my shopping cart http://markridoutphotography.com/RedCart/index.php?sid=39 where customers can leave gifts of greenbacks for my clients. The program is only as good as you promote it. I let my couples know that this can be added to their wedding website or any printed material they send out including wedding announcements. The shopping cart is created by http://www.redcart.com and I fulfill all print and product orders. Not sure if that's what your question is in reference to?</p>
  8. <p>Hi Alice,<br>

    the key is allowing enough time between the end of the wedding and the beggining of the reception. In my case I shoot the formals quickly...about 25 minutes...then the wedding party and lastly the couple themselves. In between waiting and walking keep shooting. There are days that I wished I could have gotten more but in the end it always works out. If I am shooting out of the country then thats a different scenario and will will always shoot an extra day after where the bride and groom are less stressed and we have more time.</p>

  9. <p>The biggest advantage is that I keep all profits. I do not have to give a percentage to the company that is hosting my gallerys. I don't pay a monthly fee. I maintain complete control over the fullfillment process which means more greenbacks for me. Not only can I sell prints but i could sell my used car if I want :) I can choose the supplier that will print my books, proofs , cards etc. And best of all I use a built in fullfillment script that i download from the order that crops , resizes and places the image in a folder. So ordering the customers prints is fast and easy. In regards to the 5 years endorsement....I have been live with it for about 7 months and have processed over 30,000 gross. That is in print orders, gift certificates, cards and deposits.</p>
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