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Image Comments posted by engelgrafik


    What a great shot. It's like something straight out of an action movie from the '30s or '40s. Even the color is like Technicolor from the time period. Really nice!

    two friends

    I don't know why, but I really enjoy this photo. Perhaps it's how you shot the two together, one behind the other. The vertical lines of the door emphasis this. There's something spiritual about it also. I don't know why... it just is.


    This photo is great Apurba! It's like a Holga shot. It is so painterly... I actually like how the grass in the background is dark and moody.
  1. Really beautiful. There are plenty of photos of waterfalls, but you have captured it in a way that is similar to the 19th Century American painters that captured the beauty of the vast wilderness. I think this is more dramatic as well because you have chosen a duotone print, rather than color. Really beautiful.


    Priscilla don't give up on your photos... I see your and my photos having similar intents. I'm an IR fan myself. Keep working... find something you believe in and keep shooting. Even if you don't know what that means (I'm not sure I do), at least shoot for your own enjoyment. Don't care what others demand of you. Be true to yourself and yourself will shine through eventually. BTW, is this Florida? Makes me think of Florida, my home.
  2. Been there about 3 times and you've captured it pretty well from below. Personally, I would have probably gone for more of a vertical shot trying to capture a sliver from sky down to the bottom. However, you have done a great job here. Color is really nice, especially for mid-day. I wonder how it would have looked around dusk when everything turns golden... ?
  3. Daniel, it's been a while. I really like the black and white, but would like to see more contrast. That's what's great about B&W... you can fool around with curves and stuff in Photoshop and get all kinds of results. Try dodging, burning, etc. You'll be surprised. :)
  4. Took this shot with my Infrared-modified Nikon Coolpix 995 last May

    (2005). I was in a hurry to try it out and discovered this shot on

    the side of a road. It was busy that day so I didn't get a chance to

    do a lot of bracketing. But it still turned out pretty interesting,

    especially with the low clouds. Overall, I'm happy with this image

    but would love to hear what others think.

  5. This is a digital infrared shot. I took it with an internally-modified

    Nikon Coolpix 995. It only senses IR now, but the LCD actually shows

    the IR. It's really fun. It took this shot out at a place I visit

    often, just waiting for the clouds and sunlight to paint the landscape

    just the right way. This is a shot where a big cloud was overhead

    (which you can't see) but there was just enough light to shine on some

    trees in the distance.

  6. Very nice color and clarity. Too bad those clouds aren't more puffy, eh? :) Did you dodge the area around the door? Or is the light reflecting from the white walls across from the door? I love it.
  7. I took this picture facing the sun because the storm clouds behind it

    looked really amazing. The result is a very bland and dull contrast on

    the church. However, I felt the sun shining on and through the tree

    and the glowing clouds might still make this an interesting

    composition. What are your thoughts? The only manipulation of this

    infrared image is where I removed power lines in the upper left hand

    corner. That's it.

    Feed Store

    I think this is one of my favorite pictures of yours. I like pictures that give you a sense of the human touch upon the landscape and in nature. In this picture, you show architecture that gives the impression of abandonment and desolation... how Man comes and goes. Yet behind it, nature is churning and boiling and forever active. Really amazing shot. And the colors are PERFECT.
  8. This image would look amazing in black and white I bet. Although I do like the color, for me it's the textures and grain of the wood that I want to see a lot of detail of. Sometimes a lot of color will distract from that. But overall this ia a very nice shot.
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