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Image Comments posted by ljk

    Ripples ...


    New Hampshire. We have some ketchin up to do......


    Rog and I are headed to the States for a month's visit with family in CT. We'll be on the same coast (?), but that didn't work before;-)


    Most of my stuff lately has been abstract. This goes hand in hand.


    Hope all is well, K.

  1. Hi Ellllllllls.

    I don't check in here often, but I saw you last comment about being my 7777 visitor...that is so special. It had to be you ;-)))


    I hope you are doing well......


    I love this oddity...beauty is everywhere...

    Waiting for summer


    Thanks everyone for your comments..


    @Jayme..yeh, you'd think we'd get it right. Today it is 50, windy and sunny...not bad for the middle of winter.


    @John...thanks, bro! Love ya too.

  2. Hi Elllls...I have given up the ratings...it has nothing to do with our visions and our art...this is quite amazing and fantastic. It needs no ratings to tell you that....


    Here at PN, we ask for ratings then we reject when they give them to us. We are asking people to judge us who don't understand who we are or where we've come from....how can we expect them to appreciate our life and art??

  3. You did well in your capture of the light and highligts. Unfortunately, it is a contrasty condition, and there is no way to lighten up those leaves...however I do prefer this composition. It is much more dynamic. The light on the other one is very appealing, but this works better...


    Thanks for your e=card...send one whenever!

  4. Cherlyn, they are cute! Unusual bills...and about the size of other geese. It was only after we checked our bird book did we realize at one time they were almost extinct!


    So many new birds and other wildlife to experience here....


    Black Swan


    Hi Leslie...we are doing well. Still taking a lot of photos here, but participating on another site which takes most our time...Roger is doing metal work...yes. We are headed into our winter now, and have been preparing our abode for that eventuality..


    I do miss my friends on PN.

  5. You did well. Trick is to get as close to the glass as possible...of course no flash goes without saying. Higer ISO will give you faster shutter speed in the lower light conditions.....a steady hand helps.


    You did a great job on the crop, making this a dynamic composition...glad I stopped by!

    Steel Framed

    Wow. You did very well with the exposure here. There is plenty of detail in the shadows without blowing out the whites. I'm impressed!
  6. I decided to check in and see what you are doing, and surprise! You've joined the rust/found object pool! The color here is what makes this attractive and drew your eye in the first place..The crop is tight, which looks great. Soft light on the day kept harsh shadows out of the picture...I like it!


    Let's do a day of shooting together in September>>>>>>

  7. Shawn and Wilson...rain. Ah yes. Actually we are in a drought here in Victoria....last winter hardly any rain and there are severe water restrictions and high fire dangers. El nino is supposed to have left now and everyone is praying for rain....I haven't seen much since arriving in Novemebr but we've had some lately...

    Winslow 3


    Black and whites can both be hard to apture...and to expose well for both, nearly a miracle! LOL!


    I love that face....makes me want to snuggle it.....Like the light in his eyes, too.

    If only...


    Kim.....first of all, you look great! We're all going to miss that original "Kimi" picture.


    I like this a lot...but don't be disappointed if I tell you it also reminds me of those paintings on velvet....one of the better ones, of course...LOL! Must be all that black.

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