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Image Comments posted by matt_c2



    This is lovely and very clever how you caught the three gliders diagonally across the frame. The pleasant green tones and the light and shadow falling on the hillsiade make this a wonderful shot.



    Snow Tunnel

    Snow!! Can't believe you found some snow Hanna. Was this close to Bath. It's a lovely shot. It does seem a touch underexposed with the snow being a little on the grey side but otherwise I wouldn't change a thing.



    Thanks Colin


    I think I actually prefer yours and the technique you used. For mine I did a little burning of the shadows and dodging of the highlights but your techniques gives much more control. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.



  1. Superb shot. Just wish I'd took it. The seperation line isn't a problem for me but I think I would remove the glass. Very minor but I think I would prefer the simpler composition without it.


    Happy new year Steve and thankyou for the comment on my latest pictre. Much appreciated.



  2. Right thats it. I'm off to Lyncombe Hill wherever that is. I know Bath but as you can probably guess not that well. I've been looking to take some shots similar to this of Bath myself and I think you've just given me the prod I needed. Very inspiring, and a great shot.
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