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Image Comments posted by matt_c2

    For you, WS

    Wow Hanna, this is just gorgeous. Lighting is perfect and the colour, detail and texture you captured in the rose is wonderfull. You've just inspired me for a valentines day card.
  1. Thanks Colin. Hopefully won't be too long before I get a chance to go back. I know what you mean though about returning to a place four or five times. Many of my photos need return visits. Thanks again



  2. Thankyou Swapan for such a nice comment. I am very happy with the result but just feel with slightly better light I maybe able to do a little better. This is quite close to me so I can revisit many times at different times of the day and get a real feel for the place and the different light angles. Thanks again



  3. The castle is Farleigh castle near Trowbridge in Wiltshire England

    not far from where I live. The castle was caught nicely by the sun

    but the house in the valley below was under shadow. Maybe a return

    visit late afternoon would yeild a better result. Any feedback would

    be appreciated. Thankyou.

    Wendens Ambo

    This is gorgeous Colin. Composition is spot on and I love that big raised grass verge in front of the houses. Almost like presenting the houses and church on a lush green stage. Can't say I've heard of this place. Anywhere near me?



    Thanks Cherlyn and Richard.



    Thanks Colin, Don't mind at all. I'm always hungry for tips and suggestions. Especially when I have so much to learn. I didn't think of fixing the verticals, certainly looks better. How do you upload images into a comment?

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