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Image Comments posted by aeiffel



    It's interesting - and very subjective as well, at least more than most of your others holocaust's photographs.

    I dunno if I 'like' the idea or not, partly because this viewpoint never could be the one of the victims since they were dead long before entering the crematoriums. However I think the idea could have been applied to the place where those humans were actually killed : the gas chambers.


    That's it for the honest comment this pic deserves IMHO. Also I may suggest you give more explicit captions to some of those shots, or people might miss them.

    Regards, Fred.



    Great light - especially the shadow of the tree on the top of the hill. Like this one a lot


    PS : and there's something hot going on at the right of the pic ;)



    Salut Sebastien,

    Excellente composition l'arriere-plan, a l'avant il y a un peu de 'creux' dans le milieu mais les reflets sur les paves a droite compensent bien.

    Sinon bon sujet, bien traite, ca donne envie d'ailleurs... et de tenter le 20mm ;).



    edit sans caracteres francophones...

    Alone again


    Hi Jimmy,


    Not seeing the face adds to the feeling, I really like that, goes well with the caption. But, as Stephane suggested, it'd work better if you dodge a little his arms and legs IMO. That would draw the attention to him.


    Did you 'sharpen' the picture a lot in PS ? This might also explain the grain increase. I've never noticed a huge impact of the desaturation method (desaturate vs channel mixer) on grain.


    Bests, Fred.

    "Fly Ball"


    For once I prefer the color version. Perhaps because of the high contrast and strong colors.

    One could almost imagine the fans were facing a huge screen, I like this "strangeness".

    As for composition, DOF and decisive moment, it's very good.

    mon pere


    Salut Marie-Claude

    If you meter for the face in this situation (maybe a f/stop more light) you'd still end up with a strong shadow on the right IMHO... and the background highlights would lose some more information too.

    I second Menno's suggestion for a reflector at the back or another light source. Maybe flash is worth a try, though I don't have much experience with this.


    Take care, Fred.

  1. What Ben say... Don't pay attention to people who think a 'respectful' language is more important than documenting situations like this throughout the world. If some people are shocked then you've succeeded somehow, maybe you just should have said in your original comment that the name monkeyman was from the girl. This could have led some right-minded persons to focus a bit more on the fact itself.

    I too have witnessed the sordid abuses of disabled children by eastern mafias, especially in Romania. When I came back nobody was willing to believe what I saw, things like gangs legally buying children from state orphanages to have them sent to western streets, mutilations or amputations for the ones not looking miserable enough, etc...




    Almost everything is blurry in the picture, bit distracting to me. I'd have loved to see the child in focus and the soldier as it is, with some motion blur.


    Anyway, I can imagine it's pretty hard to shoot such scenes.

  2. Having not known this period, all I can feel is how this kind of photographs has inspired the next generations of photojournalists. IMHO it still has a tremendous impact, whatever the context.


    I really appreciate you share this piece of History with us.

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