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Image Comments posted by teethgator

  1. another hdr with photomatrix except this one I just hand held with 3 burst shot. not as

    sharp on the log but not bad without a tripod and without a grad. filter . I have to be

    careful I may get spoiled not carrying on that equipment

    Let's Play Two



    As a life long Miamian I would expect no less. We only show up when it is an event ie playoff or world series( even then the early playoff rounds you could find seats). I usually sit just above you on the next level. Best seat above and behind the catcher. Hope the Marlins won.


    Epcot 2008

    great shot. I would try to get a little light in the sky. I found my night reflections( which I love to take-check out my portfolio) improved when I still had a little blue in the sky. I took a workshop with Bryan Peterson a few years ago and that was his recommendation to me and looking at my photos he was right.If the sky is too black you loose the outline of the buildings. With just a little light they pop out and look better. Paul
  2. Good point-either way you have a great shot.This way the island stands out better.BTW I too try to get something in the forground and usually use a wide angle lens.

    Thanks for commenting on my bridge shot.It helps to get other eyes looking and commenting on our work.


  3. I saw your other post amd agreed to remove the rocks. However I like the mountains. I would have just cropped the foreground and left the rest as is.The mountains give a better perspective to the island to me. Isn't this area of Canada gorgeous!BTW I too tried to get some responses to 2 photos-should I crop or not-you got a better and more detailed reply-but you are right that is what a lot of us are looking for. If you have time check out my site and give some of your thoughts. Paul

    a worn smile


    Vacation in Prague-saw this lady just sitting on a bench-walked up

    and showed her my camera(we didn't speak the same language)and she

    smiled for me. I wish I could have talked with her -those eyes look

    like they have seen a lot- at least my imagination says so.

    Please let me know what you think.

  4. Thanks for taking the time to comment and give another look. As you can tell from the other post I am always open to other views-in fact I wish there was more of it! I shot this with f/11 so I had a sharp DOF. If I had it to do over I would have also tried a wider apeature-maybe my 50mm 1.4 lens then I would have accented her better. Truth was this was my first nude workshop and I was a little out of my element.


    Haleh, I think as photographers we are sensitive people and respond to the world around us.You state what is worse"Walking by them out on the cold streets trying to avoid eye contact or acknowledging them by taking their photograph and posting it on the Internet?" I just don't think we are avoiding them-just the opposite and they, remember, are soliciting us to see them.The way I look at it I am acknowledging their plight how we as a society deal with it is another thing



    Thanks Max and Mark for you kinds remarks-I am really humbled by your comment Mark-

    Majahid-removing the cap I think changes the subject subject-maybe Haleh would be less upset w/o the cap then this could be just someone in a cold climate sitting with his/her dogs.Yes homelessness is a problem in big cities( I live in Miami and see this everyday) and small cities. I have a lot of opportunities to take their pictures but unless I see something beyond their sad condition I don't.I found this individual was different. He just sat there and didn't respond when I place change in his cap-I assume he was from Prague. At another time I saw him-same place completely prone ,head down and hands outstretch on his cap. He stayed in that postion for 10 minutes while I was talking with someone else when I turned around he was gone.All of this could be just a show for tourist on the bridge but I don't think so and I felt he is unusual and worthy of our attention. BTW I am not a photojournalist but I would think photos like this (homelessness) is not exploitive. Please check out my site and see my other Prague photos.

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