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Posts posted by thomas_turk

  1. I didnt know Greys played Rock.. Guess if they are humanoids, maybe this was shot in a grave-yard in moonlight.. Whatever happened to this wonderful colorful world we live in.. Have all Leica shooters got triexititis/Ilfordinitis color blindness...
  2. Mark meant Grey shots.. Looks like you shot a Grey, not a humanoid..In this wonderful colorful-world, we are getting moon-light-in-graveyard shots.. So many people seem to be suffering from triexititis color blindness.. Further-more, your compositions need to be more strict and simple.. Good composition is clarity...go to photos4u.dk, study, and then try again.
  3. Who says u have to shoot frontals for street photgraphy.. Go to photos4u.dk, and study his street photos..(and his other 800 shots) Then u tell me u didnt say..I wish I could take photos like that...I did after 60 years of shooting!! He uses German glass, and SLR..
  4. To get more pleasure from yr 180 f2 lens, go to photos4u.dk and I bet you will say..I wish I could take photos like that.. I did, even after 60 years of trying to improve with Feininger, etc...photography.. The point I now make is that Ole, the man whose 400 photos will amaze u, uses a 180, (Zeiss, sorry,) for at least 25% of all his shots...Look at his 180 shots and learn..What an education that guy is!! ALSO...If any u Olympus fans know where Ican buy an adaptor to use the 500 zuiko mirror on EOS body?..Thanks..
  5. Any forum member in/been shopping in Zurich, Switzerland??. If so,

    can u recco a shop/dealer for Zeiss and Contax, as I may go down

    this week for an after-burglary replenishment....Leica R5 and glass

    looked good to the burglars, so that all went, but the Hassy must

    have been either too heavy, I could have told them that if only

    they had waited for me to come home(!), or possibly it did not, to

    them, look like a camera!! After 20 years of electronic nightmares

    with Leica R5, guess I will go back to Contax, which I previously

    had, but gave to my brother..

  6. Her work is stunning. Why? She simply follows every rule of Feininger's (from 'The Complete Color Photographer'). That is what separates a pro from us amateurs, as we try to remember all those rules, whilst getting all hot and excited as we lift our Sumi up to the eyeball..Mind you, I have seen an exhibition of amateur work, of a Hong Kong photo club's trip to Tibet, on display in the HK Cultural Centre, every bit as great as Amis work..
  7. I don't know why u guys think that a photo of a total stranger, say at an airport, is interesting. It is neither friend nor family. A stranger on a photo from one's travels, however, where there is ethnic interest, great lighting contrasts, color,etc. and also where they enjoy being photd,(Masai), surely makes more sense and good subject matter. As Feininger, the Prophet said, 'If the subject is not interesting, don't waste yr film'. Re 911, some Q's for those who consider a person who asks Q a conspiracy theorist. Why no Boeing at Pentagon, nor Penn. on ANY photo, not even from a Leica?? Why would a raghead, (who can shut down FAA; NORAD; USAF and National guard from a cave in Afghanistan), choose a pilot to hit the Pentagon who could not even solo a Cessna 172, despite 600 hours in his log book.. Now if u r really thinking, and not being intimidated about thinking, (thinking not yet a crime), ask yourself, how did the hijackers(?) know that they would not be intercepted. 65 intercepts in 2000 within 10 minutes!!!Go figure. (see rense.com 911, 400 unanswered Q). Stop watching S©ewer NN and switch to rense for your daily news(paper)...
  8. Go to the Health Food Store and buy Kava Kava, 500 mgs a day before breakfast or any time u need it, .. makes u happeee....(as used in the South Pacific), not sleepy as does St. Johns, nor drugged as from the Psychiatrists crap.

    If u want to do it by mindset, tell yourself, this is the FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE..

    Or/also do it spiritually, by closing your eyes and on every long breath out, through the mouth, visualise that u r breathing white light into your 3rd eye chokra, a cylinder lying between the eyes, through the head. Then on every long nasal breath in, visualise that u r bringing white light in through the crown of yr head, into that chokra, and filling it up with white light. After about a minute or two you will feel that area get quite warm, and you will notice a feeling of mental calm and well being..

    .And maybe read a few Leica lens reviews, of what u own, and that may also make you feel good..???

    Cant advise on photograpy, I am just an amateur trying to follow Feiniingers guidance, and... having been burgled of my R5 and glasses, (that needed some chokra filling !!)just trying o figure out how to get Leica started again. The hatily replacement Nikon F80 with Sigma and Tamron are lying unused after the first few mediocre rolls..

  9. Hello Bob Smith.. Where does one/did you get the Kenko 2X for the Hasse lenses?? Do they do a 1.4?? Any mods needed??


    Also, do you or anybody else use/need to use a cable release for the 500CM shutter..I found that with the 120/4 set at infinity, even touching the release button, (with mirror up), there is movement....


    Thanks for advice..

  10. I read that the 250/5.6, which I read came out in 1972

    was 'superachromatic'. I also read that earlier (?) non-SA-lens was

    not nearly as 'good' as the SA..I also read that the new 250/5.6 SA

    etc will cost much more...


    A shop up the road has a used 250/5.6 for sale...How do I know if it

    is pre SA, the standard lens, (did that come out pre 1972 or did

    they manufacture in parallel...now that doesn't make sense, does

    it!), or is the lens marked to show post 1972 and SA..Or perchance

    it may be the new one going heap..which I doubt.....


    Have I missed something, or got all jumbled up????


    Is anybody clear on the 250 story/history???


    Thanks for info...

  11. The 500 C/M is being dusted off after 10 years, as the burglars

    kindly left it behind, (maybe too heavy), after nicking the Leica R

    bag full off goodies..(Welcome to Vienna!!)


    Question for the experts on this thread, (who have already helped me

    re-discover that button under the winder)....is...


    Am I doing the correct procedure for the prism meter, and if so, why

    is it up to one stop out, when checked against the Nikon F 80, spot,

    with same film speed and similar lens???


    Put in new battery...Set the film speed (400), set the Max (4...

    F4/120 lens..) Set aperture ring white number at F4, against top

    centre white mark. Check meter reading by pushing button and reading

    red number in the prism. Set that number on the red scale, right

    hand side of lens, against red arrow. Here we have up to one stop

    diff with the Nikon..when reading the combo...Then to take photo,

    move locked speed and aperture 'combo' to desired F/speed choice.


    So is the prism meter innaccurate; is it centre weighted or spot, or

    what?? Any body else have these problems.. Rather than mess up

    films, is it better to get a separate meter and put back the

    original 'look down' gadget...(Cant always take the Nikon to use as

    a meter!!!!)


    Many thanks for any advice/help...

  12. When trying to decide which 180 mm R lens to purchase, F 2 or f 2.8,

    the same reviewer comments keep appearing..that the faster lens is a

    tripod lens, the slower one is a hand held lens. Is this premise

    based solely on the lens size and difficulty in manual steadying,

    or am I missing something? I would prefer not to lug around a

    tri/mono pod around, but ´wish´ for the faster lens...

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