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Posts posted by thomas_turk

  1. Thanks for all kind offers. I fixed the broken hinge. I used steel from a box cutter, bent it into a hinge shape, filed out a bit of the old plastic, hooked in the metal to the existing hinge pin and then used slow Araldite to epoxy it onto the back. Others with this problem could do the same. The UK agent told me that if he had twenty spare C1 backs, they would all be gone.


    Next point..the lens DOES NOT have Leica written on it nor the type. All I can find was a Made in Japan on the body. Anybody know what is this lens.....Thanks.

  2. Does anybody have an old made in Japan Leica AF-C1, for sale? It

    need not be in working condition, as I only need it to cannibalise

    the back. Mine has broken off at the hinges. Common problem I

    understand. Some have rebuilt that section with epoxy. Anybody out

    there done that?? Thanks

  3. Stay with analogue Durr. You will NOT duplicate your superior M6 shots with digits. Not even with the mega buck Canon. The fine contrast and detail will be lost, so clouds are drab and dimensionless, nature pix unnatural etc..AND in two years the Digi whatever will be on the technology scrapheap, what you have saved on CD ROM will be lost in 2 years, as the dyes fade. The pits in the aluminium as in music CDs, are not used here, AND...what you saved on the hard disk can be virus ed any moment.
  4. Buy your M ..If you look at the digital attempts in Top Photos of PN, you will notice lack of clarity, which translates to lack of fine contrasts and thereby loss of vibrancy and life in the digit photos. The clouds are all drab and lifeless, sunlit parts have no brilliance and colors, compared to velvia and agfa ultra 100 are artificial and dreary..Buy an M. Black and white lacks the clarity and makes it a joke when compared to the b and w leica and hassy shots displayed. And then, keep shooting your M, because in two years time, all the digits that you stored on CD ROM, which use dyes for this storage process, instead of pits as in the aluminium music CDs, will have FADED, and... all your DIGI PHOTOS will be lost..What you have saved on your hard disk, can be digested by a virus any minute. Buy an M..And you must realise that todays digital camera will be on the technology scrapheap in a couple of years, without having given you any superlative shots... Buy an M..
  5. No NOT the R5..After a few years of good service, an electrical bug bit, which, despite many attempts by the agents to repair, even once claiming that the camera had been sent back to Germany, continued to bite, till it was, almost thankfully, nicked this year...The bug was that when the shutter was pressed, the electrics would, sometimes, switch off, all lED lights out, no shutter. SOMETIMES, tapping the lens on a table gently at a certain angle restored the camera to normal operation. Sometimes leaving it alone for a few days, restored it to normal operation.. And sometimes, it decided to take a shot...Do I read it was made by Minolta?????? The glass 28, 85, 180 was magic, but... so is Zeiss.. at half the price....
  6. No big deal Ken. A half dozen excellent shots from the whole lot..the rest just snaps with little thought on composition, lighting, DOF, perspective etc..Young photographer, OK that is an acceptable excuse, on his road to maturity..But to learn, to improve, I suggest, a long look at Ralph Gibsons works. A pro for 50 years, among his 26 published LEICA M works, I pick Deus Ex Machina, with its 800 mainly B and W shots..That can be studied for months, with each shot imparting its own feeling and meaning..Of course promoting new photogs is good, but there should be a much higher level of consistancy in their work.....Hi bin doa ne in Vienna? I am also here..TT
  7. Now, if only our honorable man in Japan, Alex, can give us such an IMAGE, or, even a single IMAGE coming close to the 800, mostly B and W, Leica M IMAGES, of Ralph Gibson, in his .Deus Ex Machina. then we will surely get off his back.. And, yes, this publication does include a Japan series...
  8. OK.. no more comment, as these are only meant to be images, and not photographs, with any technical merit.. I apologise for my stupid ignorance...and, as Alexs images are all superb, they should again, NOT be criticized, so again I apologise for my stupid ignorance..Sum ov uss is reelly dumb, like....ynowe...
  9. I dont like the pattern on the front left foreground fellas shirt.. sorry, I didnt know this was not for critique..Re the pix, in general then..I hope they are teaching those dumbed down, with useless vaccines, and water and toothpaste fluoridated, kids.. that we all came from Lucy in Africa..just a few thousand years to evolve what could not be possible in millions of years...
  10. Hey, thanks guys, u said it all for me. Looks like our Alex is too proud to go to jaymaisel.com or photos4u.dk, and brush up on how to make an ordinary scene, such as this is, look extra ordinary, through controls of light, perspective, DOF, balance of light and dark, ..none used here.....However, he got lotsa balls to keep posting these snaps, knowing well he is going to get thumped..
  11. Next time wait for the sun to come our, and then get some long contrasty morning shadows. Also use f4 so the background slowly goes out of focus to give the shot depth. Dark shadows look great for balance and contrast. U have to use controls of light, f number, perspective etc..to separate a .nice. in focus snap shot, to a good photograph.....Go to jaymaisel.com for ideas on using light and shadow, and for composition ...Nice shot comments hardly help this guy..
  12. If Mr A Herbet believes his drab, dull, dreary canon.digital shots even come close to his gernman glass plus fuji shots, I will pay for his new pair of specs. U need spectacular lighting or night shots for digital to come near the real stuff..In daylight, forget it...as clearly shown on top photos...where they are wowed by german glass and fuji or agfa, being mostly a site for canon.digititis infected fotogs...
  13. I notice there have NOT been ANY recent postings by our man in Tokyo. Hopefully, when his meditation session is complete, he will grace the Leica forum with shots that will make past, present and future Leica owners proud. Maybe, and hopefully, after this frank exchange of opinions, the next generation of Leica forum, Leica shots, lets not include any drab canon.digital trespassers, will attract many viewers by their excellence..
  14. If Alex considers Rob Applebys superlative photographic prowess, eg in India, to be mediocre, then what standard does he consider his Tokyo shots to be???..Yes, Rob had followed all the cliches of strict composition, superior use of lighting, control of DOF, superb perspectives, harmony in light and shadow, and color....I have failed to spot one single one of the above .controls. in the Tokyo kids street snap of Alex....I hope Alex allows a troll to comment in this forum BUT... as I was a Leica R5, 28, 85 and 180 fella, till it all got nicked, I dont feel too bad....IMHO Alex needs to stop photographing for a while, so he can improve his photography. Just a quick, candid, photo journalistic street shot excuse was not made by Mr Appleby in his India work..so neither can u use that as an excuse..
  15. Yes, I know u own a Leica, but how about a clear, strict, balanced composition with decent lighting. I see a smart building, partly obscured by a hedge.. a couple on the grass on the upper right, with the fella looking for something, maybe that blue mess behind him. In the left corner another couple, badly lit up by the overhead sun, and in the extreme corner an overexposed white dog. Why dont u Leica people give us some fotos that makes a Leica owner proud????
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