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Posts posted by watchin

  1. Derivative of above... (and I'm a semi-old photographer ;{)



    Use rubber jar lid circle thingy (technical term), place flat on counter, place lens filter flat down on thingy, moderate pressure down on lens, hold thingy with one hand and turn SLOWLY and EVENLY on lens with other.


    if you get 1/4 turn on thingy, then it should spin off by hand.


    if you've dinged (another technical term) the lens or filter right...all bets are off..take it to camera fixer guy ;{)


    hope that helps

  2. back on topic...<BR>


    Have you looked at this<BR>

    <A HREF="http://www.cmpsolv.com/cgi-bin/output2.cgi?Manu=4.+Nikon&Type=13.+all+Lenses&Aperture=5.+all+Lenses&Sort=2.+Manufacturer&x=20&y=13 "> Lens user rating Database </A>


    It has some interesting findings (I don't agree with all of them) but they seem to be collecting and normalizing the data in a rational fashion.


    In particular you might want to look at the compairison between the 50's




  3. I've always wondered exactly which factors of a lens get impacted by the "focal factor" (I'll stick with my term as I think that's the most descriptive).


    focal length = impacted by the factor so 35mm = 52.5mm<BR>

    angle of view = matches to apparent focal length<BR>

    perspective compression = ?don't know? but experience says yes as Ilkka suggests above.<BR>

    depth of field = ?again don't know? but experience again say NO as this should only be a factor of the distance between the lens elements and the iris positioning.<BR>

    effect on background = NO as this should be a factor of the iris configuration and positioning again.<BR>


    Did I get that right? <BR>



  4. 50 F1.8 is very nice. Just remember that 50 on D100 is

    relatively a 70-75mm in angle coverage, which is a "wide" portrait


    Might want to get a 35mm for the D100.


    What is the focal factor for the D100 anyway??



  5. I've been using this for a few months and really like it.

    The focus is spot on, quiet, quick, and doesn't hunt.

    The picture quality seem excellent edge to edge at all apitures and distance/zoom points (at slight caveat on 24 @ 3.5 but that could be me).


    Solid without any zoom rattle or play. Did I say I love the AF-S focus...yeah repeating myself.. I'll go way now ;{)



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