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Image Comments posted by sbrauchli



    I was sitting by the river with my 50D and the 100-400 hoping for a king-

    fisher to pose for me, when these kids showed up. They were not so

    used to seeing "Vazaha", so they were rather shy, but readily posed for

    me. I like how this girl is integrated with the vegetation...


    Thanks for your feedback.

    Charging Kudu

    Your comment made me smile as I have similar associations when looking at these images - I am glad you had a nice "ride" and hope to post more soon so you can continue visiting my portfolio. Thank you.

    Himba boy


    I also took a closer shot of him, but liked the first one better. You are probably right about the background. To me it shows the simple way of life.




    Oryx & Namib


    The tele works great in my opinion. The paint like qualities come from the heat rising off the desert making everything behind the hot air blurry and distorted.


    This was shot at 400mm (with the crop factor 640). I was lucky there were some clouds that day which added texture to the background.

    male nude


    Saw this one today and it stood out - great job - and thanks for commenting on my photo - its actually the other picture with the antique lens that is I guess somewhat explicit as it does show (IMHO tastefully) some outer vaginal lips.. well I am definitely not a photo legend, but if some of those like Man Ray had posted on this site, their pics would have been removed from critique as well...


    Anyway, great job, I'll be back :)


    Sorry PN also wont let me give you a 7/7 which I believe you deserve for this imaginative and aesthetic piece



    Super Aufnahme. Werde es jetzt auch mal bei unserem Teich versuchen (habe einen Umkehrring erworben), habe leider aber bisher nichts so schoenes gesehen ;) War dies auch fruehmorgens?



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