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Image Comments posted by amizial


    Jeff: You're right. I hate that stupid log but I was so excited about the "yawn" that I didn't even notice the log until I got home and viewed the photo on the computer!

    Birds At Play

    Peter & s.t. cole: The birds are actually part of the original photo. The sky was a bit dull so I replaced it with this one taken later that day at the same location. I didn't think of the contradictory directions of light until Peter mentioned it. Thanks !


    Nice shot and nice photoshop work. The only thing that you could have tried is maybe a small burst of flash to put that sparkle in the eyes. Awesome colors!
  1. Awesome shot! ...I would be tempted to try cropping out a bit of the left-hand fence too. This would force the viewer to look deep into the scene along the line created by the light poles and the fence that runs parallel to them.
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