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Everything posted by vrankin

  1. All of my cameras were purchased for a small fraction of their introductory prices, in almost new condition. I plan to keep them until they become conversational pieces. So when I think of the degree and duration of enjoyment, they are actually very inexpensive. My images may not be cutting edge, but they're still very enjoyable.
  2. vrankin

    Foggy Harbor Sunset

    Raw processed in-camera
  3. Taken as the sun was setting and the moon rising. Raw file was tone mapped in Photomatix Essentials, Painterly filter
  4. Two weeks ago I found my voice after a long time without it. I was having breakfast with a group of men and someone started a verbal attack on the LGBTQ community. Everyone either chimed in, or agreed with nods and smiles. I picked up my check, said, "I'm in the wrong company", and left. Now I have my voice. Somebody from that group wants to go to coffee, next Monday. I'll still have it. He will hear it. As for "finding my voice" photographically, I've been at it since 1969 and yes, I think I've found it. Today I was mountain biking in a forest in northern Wisconsin. I stopped by a pond rippling with waterbugs. I put my camera in video mode and recorded the rippling. The reflections of foliage near the water were really nice. It felt like I was speaking with a photographic voice
  5. View on an EVF if possible, and turn on the zebras. dial down E.V. until they disappear.
  6. vrankin

    Night Harbor with Pelicans

    In late spring pelicans stop over in Port Washington, WI during their northern migratory flight. Alewives are plentiful, and easy to catch. This former commercial fishing wharf now turned into apartments and condominiums is one of my favorite local places


  7. Western shore of Lake Michigan at Point Beach State Forest, Two Rivers, WI. The composition worked for me, as the wave action, shoreline and early morning light at the horizon point all seemed to work together. I added toning to heighten a sense of twilight just before sunrise.
  8. Very nice abstract treatment, and use of colors. Multiple planes add an almost mystical quality.
  9. vrankin

    Bedtime Reading

    Thank you, Jack. I was on my way to bed when I saw my wife sitting in this wonderful light. I added a pinhole camera effect and toning in post.
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