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Image Comments posted by hagar

  1. I wonder whether the name originated from the taste or the color? As a biology major I dabbled around quite a bit with 'shrooms in my younger days.. this does not look like one of the species that was indigenous to Lebanon.. Good shot of it, however..

    Alley Hill


    Excellent photo Dave, love the colors and textures of the walls.. and the light was just perfect. I know you hate playing around with the photos.. but I was wondering what this would look like with the walls straightened out a tad.. if you like it.. it's quite an easy fix with most software programs :-)


    Harvest moon


    Thanks Garry.. actually this was shot at 1/200 of a sec., F 7.1, ISO 320. It was right after sunset, so there was still some light in the sky. And, no I did not have my tripod with me :-) This next shot was a few minutes earlier.. and I've left the exposure intact so you can actually see how much light there was in the sky.. and if you don't underexpose.. the moon just gets blown away.


    Hallowed Halls

    Impressive capture with a 100mm lens Garry. I suspect you had space to back up quite a bit. It sure came out much better than I would have thought. I'll have to try that next time I get a chance!

    Paper daisy

    Thanks Dave.. it's one of my favorites. The reason for the crop was mainly for printing purposes (12x18). I totally agree with your crop. I should have done that before posting on here :-) Sorry it took me a while to respond.. had no idea you had posted a comment,
  2. There's not much more I can add to the accolades and comments already posted. It is an amazingly attractive photo, superbly crafted, and well documented. It is so much more interesting getting the history of an area along with a gorgeous shot. Thanks!
  3. Hi Colin, can't tell you how many times I've walked past that very railing, and never thought of taking a shot. It is definitely a favorite amongst your many great photos. Personally, I think there was a more mundane reason for the big railing.. it's much tougher to slide down those skinny ones.. :-)
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