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Image Comments posted by caltha

  1. Again, her looks are great as well as the background, but the wrinkled, casual dress really ruins it. If you don't want her to be nude she could at least have worn an old-fashioned white dress.
  2. Wow, what a hair! Good setting too, but I think the dress/nightgown ruins the magical feeling, she should have been nude.. (If it's a child and you don't want to upset the americans you could hide her in her hair anyway)
  3. I really like this shot. The white skin and coquettish pose reminds

    me of vintage erotica. Other people seem to neglect it and choose to

    comment on other photos from the same session though. What do you



    I really like the light on the man. Pity you can't see the girl at all, a photo of only the man would have made more sense as it is.


    I'd like to crop it on the top to make those paintings disappear entirely and make the composition cleaner. I like the light and colours.
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