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Image Comments posted by vdhamer


    Interesting composition. Must have added the vignetting manually: a tele lens should have that much light fall-off at the edges. Interesting puzzle wither this is film or digital: at full size the grain/noise is clearly visible. Might have been added digitally: textures look almost like a tapestry. Good work: 6/7.

    Young Musician


    The backdrop and lighting were caused by a light-colored tent.

    Comments on framing? I cropped out a larger white field to the left -

    so it can be extended by 50% of the photo width. Nothing available

    in other directions.

  1. That's precisely how you normally add a sky in a computer game: just add a big sphere which is triangulated by the software, and add a sky texture. The British must be desperate due to the rain.



    It sort of looks like a compromise between showing what is going on here - and letting the viewer guess. Maybe I would try a heavily cropped version where without the bottom half (no feet, no unsharp water). That takes away the girls feet (hardly visible anways) and a lot of water (which is unsharp). As an extra benefit, you can see the expression on the girls' face better (if you have a big/sharp enough original).



    Ik vind hem vooral als foto goed. De tekst hoeft er voor mij niet bij (zou het in de titel stoppen): doet zo denken aan grappig bedoelde postkaarten. In de titel kan de kijker zelf beslissen of het toevoegt of niet. Maar het blijft een prachtige foto met een goed gekozen omlijsting! 6/6

    Studio mushrooms (2)

    What's the while stuff "blowing" to the right? Mushroom spores, the studio background, or a Photoshop enhancement? Like the pure white stems. This one is a lot better than the other shot.
  2. I guess I also would have liked to see a bit more of the expression on the elderly gentleman's face. But that wasn't meant to be - if only because he probably needed to focus all his attention to avoid spilling any oil on his clothes.

    But I can only confirm Christopher's view: the tin of sardines itself (also somewhat obscured) is the central, third actor in the scene. A colleague once told me that she and her husband had two cats - and she and her husband each fed a single cat. Both cats bonded with the human that fed it.

  3. Thanks Andrea. The light is the light from a small window in the prison cell. It must have influenced the location of where to draw this. Parts of the drawing are likely centuries old and seem to contain names of people.
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