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Image Comments posted by vdhamer

    Great Blue Heron


    Thanks René, Stephen and Orvill. Actually this bird wasn't very shy (or maybe just too lazy to fly away). For the background (water), see the attached original photo (deault settings of Adobe's raw converter) and the description under "Technical Details".


    coyote on the hunt


    The fact that you managed to photograph one sounds impressive to me (never saw a cayote outside cartoons). But the head and back don't stand out well from the background; the feet are fine. What might have helped:


    higher vantage point (entire animal against the snow)


    less depth of field


    crop the picture to get rid of the boring bits


    lots of patience? take lots of shots and show the best ones


    Photo.net is a pretty demanding crowd, and the level of the average picture seems to be on the rise


    Playing with Gamma value during postprocessing to lighten the animal a bit without adding light to the (already light) snow.



    Hope this helps,



  1. No, this critter was close to a road and not particularly shy. This was taken from about 3 meters/yards distance. The picture is slightly cropped. Note that the camera also has a 1.6 crop factor, making the 200m equivalent to 320m on your Canon 5D ;-)
  2. According to me this is a Great White Egret (rather than a Great

    White Heron) because he has black legs. Both Egrets and Herons occur

    in Southern Florida where this fellow was taken. His neck is like

    that by design - seems to help to retract the neck in two hairpin

    curves during flight.



    Hmmm, not one of your best. Too busy to know what exactly the photo is trying to convey.


    Title stresses the word Hollywood in a Chinese context - not interesting enough for me to care why they named it that. Dominant red theme is clear due to border.. fine. The use of the boxes as a passepartout just focusses my atention on a person, some railing, a distracting sign. The anonymous ratings suggest that some people like it. Can anyone explain what I am missing?

  3. Looks like it was taken on a tripod, but if I remember correctly you mentioned that it wasn't. Strong points:
    • atmosphere
    • strong lines
    Weaker points:
    • nagging title
    • distracting building in the upper right-hand corner
    Not entirely sure about the frame: try thin yellow or green line? try lighter shade of black - if needed with gradient? Maybe worth printing in large format.

    Canna leaf


    Thanks for having a look. Comments are appreciated. This photo was

    taken on the shadow side of a leaf exposed to direct sunlight. This

    tropical plant was left outdoor in warm weather and taken indoor in

    the winter.

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