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Sandeha Lynch

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Posts posted by Sandeha Lynch

  1. How's the body condition? Film wind? Focus? If they are all good you can probably find a replacement set of lens cells and get a pro-repair shop to install them.


    Your lens looks terrible, so if the body and mechanics are not sound, just put it on the shelf and buy another.

  2. To repeat the word on filters ... I'd say that your FP4 may well appear bleached if you don't use a yellow or (better) orange. I made that mistake myself on a trip up to Muktinath (10,000 ft) in Feb/March, and while scannable the negs would barely wet-print at all. Enjoy the trip!
  3. "YOU SEE THE PICTURE before YOU TAKE IT!" as it says in the ad. Can this help us to understand how the snapshot has evolved? Perhaps film cameras today might be marketed as "NO chimping required."


    I guess the snapshot was, in one sense, an immediate consequence of the invention of roll film, with the meaning of the content prioritised above almost every aspect of photographic technique. No problem with that.


    None of which explains why the lady has a cabbage leaf on her shoulder, but perhaps some of the less youth-challenged forum members will recall the fashion.

  4. It does - shift the yellow dot lever from 'm' to 'x' (best leave it there) wind on, and then slide the red dot lever across. Be aware that these self timers can cause jamming problems on old shutters if they have not been properly cared for. So if the red lever seems suspect, leave it alone or get it serviced.
  5. I don't agree that anyone needs to put their own work up in order to criticise for the simple reason that not all good photographers are articulate critics, and not all informed critics are photographers. One thing that is useful if you want to talk about photos, IMO, is understanding where opinion ends and criticism begins.


    I get a buzz from people telling me they like my work - it's a social thing, like enjoying the same food, music, etc, and it breeds dialogue, which is good. Criticism (of technique, of style, of content, whatever) is useful when it is positive and thought provoking - that also breeds dialogue, which is good, but it has fcuc all to do with anybody liking it.


    Incidentally, if I were thinking about sales, I'd <i>only</i> be concerned about people liking it.

  6. About 10 years ago I realised that some of my older negatives had been wrecked by bad storage. With some weird salt or acid streaks across them it would have taken a real master printer to salvage anything, but ... the consumer neg scanners arrived just in time. I scanned this set a few months ago.


    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3502029-lg.jpg">


    <b>1982</b> ... that's Ilford XP1 through a Minolta Elite II

  7. I've used both a 1960 Yashicamat and a 124G from around 1980, both with a Yashinon 80mm. The results were very different and I can only put that down to better quality coatings on the late versions of the lens. Apart from that, I think the other posters here are correct.
  8. Neither. Head for Galway and then go up through Connemara to Westport. Go round the Bay, above the Bay, and hire a boat into the Bay. Be prepared for more rainbows than anywhere else on earth, and the best shellfish in Ireland.
  9. Hi Olivier - funny thread too, at times. I'm still happy with my GX but I never use it for anything really serious, it's just a handy P&S with good extras. Mostly I'm using Hasselblad (thanks be to the digital revolution and the pros who sold off their MF gear) and 4"x5". Of course, now I'm wondering how long the GX will last - It has no resale value worth talking about, but I'm hoping it will still be a viable machine for record shots in another five years.
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