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Posts posted by jukka_vatanen

  1. <p>I also tested the S2 and admit it is a great camera for many uses. being a hassy system owner with 553ELX, 2002 and 500C bodies, plus Flexbody and a custom SWC I must say I don`t switch systems. S2 is great with leica glass, but not yet (autumn 2012) Does not have menus for lens corrections for hassy v series lenses. the hasselblad CFi lenses with Phocus software are on par with leica lenses, Dynamic range of CFV 32 is on par with S2. with so much added versatility, I think hassy and CFV is still the winner.</p>
  2. <p>I had the same kind of problems with CFV on my ELX and Flexbody didn`t fire at all the back. Our hasselblad service guy in Finland explained the problem is in "grounding" the connection of lens to back<br>

    With ELX i cleaned the mating surfaces of the lens bayonet and the back to body connections and with flexbody I used a metal covered flexible release cable to ground the lens and back. The flexbody has a compendium of non metallic fabric. After these measures, no problems. The old lenses with "dirty" connections cause nothing but headaches.</p>

  3. <p>I had the same kind of problems with CFV on my ELX and Flexbody didn`t fire at all the back. Our hasselblad service guy in Finland explained the problem is in "grounding" the connection of lens to back<br>

    With ELX i cleaned the mating surfaces of the lens bayonet and the back to body connections and with flexbody I used a metal covered flexible release cable to ground the lens and back. The flexbody has a compendium of non metallic fabric. After these measures, no problems. The old lenses with "dirty" connections cause nothing but headaches.</p>

  4. <p>I think the V system will outlast the mechanics capable of servicing them. here in Finland we have a couple guys that are going to pension in a few years. They have still parts and knowledge. but what will happen after them? Nowdays, for example Zeiss has transferred all parts for the lenses to Gothenburg and do not do any service on hasselblad lenses. Already now the service price for hasselblad lenses are ridiculous. You can buy a replacement from used market for that money...</p>
  5. <p>hello, I have now 2 hassy sheet film backs and about 10 cassettes for it. I would like to buy more, as they are great in my bodies, to shoot single frames, double exposures, Ortho sheet film ( cut to size) etc. reply to me at:<br>

    vatanenj@gmail.com if you want to sell your adapter & cassettes.</p>

  6. <p>hello<br>

    A couple years has again passed, and the Rollei R3 is discontinued. The best bet for asa 100 development using RODINAL would be to do the "stand development" 1:100 dilution ( 10cc rodinal to one litre water)<br>

    Agitate for a minute and then LET THE DEVELOPER AND FILM STAND UNTOUCHED for an hour. normal rinse & fix and you will have the best negatives with a very nice tonal values. Pls comment on your results !</p>

  7. <p>Wow, Timppa, you`re here ! Iam also planning to invest in a hassy 30mm fisheye, I just got a CFV digi back, it`s 4,5X4,5 so some cropping will be present. There are programs to straighten the picture to be a little more natural. I am really looking forward to do some action & fashion stuff with this setup.<br>

    Are you still shooting Film? Skiing/ Skateboarding/ Surfing and hauling that bird`s nest with you...<br>

    I have a good advice for you: Get a 70mm cassette for the Hassy and shoot 200 frames on the go.<br>

    There IS STILL 70mm films available, both from me and othersources also. get in touch, bump into my website <a href="http://www.jukkavatanen.com">www.jukkavatanen.com</a> or <a href="http://www.123Prolab.com">www.123Prolab.com</a> and you get the contact details there.<br>

    See ya, Dude !</p>

  8. <p>Allen Herbert:<br>

    Talking about cameras is a SERIOUS BUSINESS, taking pictures with them is not so much...<br>

    After aquiring the new CFV back on my V sereies hassy, I decided not to go to M9, even if I liked it and it`s picture quality so much. If the next M digital has a Wlan connection to a mini laptop (Nokia), then I might think again.</p>

  9. <p>Somehow I have a feeling the "Digital gurus" are missing some points in evaluating the M9:<br>

    I expect leica to have a better surface on the viewing screen in near future and a slight uptodate on the fast end "Grain/noise" ( the only minuses I can think of) The plus factors are:<br>

    -Foolproof focusing, almost "subconsicuous focusing" with wide angle lenses, a feature the SLR usesr don`t even realize, but second nature to a seasoned M shooter.</p>

    <p>-Lenses don`t go bad even after decades of use. Autofocus Zoom is actually a "dust and debris pump". needing major overhaul and possible replacement after a couple years usage.<br>

    -You don`t break your back after strolling a day around the city with a M leica, analog or digital.<br>

    -You don`t look like a silly photographer pointing innocent people with a huge DSLR Zoom, just sneak around with a "Toy camera" M9, yet get better quality than most of the DSLR guys... If you want "Real quality" Then add a H series Hasselblad...</p>

  10. <p>I have been using M leicas all my life, M2-M3-M4P and now M9. To me the quality of the M9 is "good enough" If I want still more quality, I use my hasselblad with DFV back. To me the Leica is the lenses, the "subconsicuosus focusing", the instant view without the guesswork of how the sharpness will be stopped down. I think the Digital SLR is in the end phaze of its development. The future will be rangefinder and hasselblad style big camera.</p><div>00Uben-176347684.thumb.jpg.8deca2886ce933ca3eb3d9a6752cafbb.jpg</div>
  11. <p>I think M9 is "almost there". The "almost" will certainly be taken care of with uptodates in the software. The M9 has the right ingredients, the price ?? divide it with ten and in worst case five, (yearly lay off for "normal DRLR) and think again...</p>
  12. Hello, an 2009 update on the subject:

    I am still using A LOT of 70mm stock in my Hasselblads and now on a custom made pinhole camera,

    using mamiya 70mm back, The film of my choice is the AeroGraph plus-x described above . Ihave found a new source too: Maco photo products in Germany they have a great IR film: Pro 400S in 30 metre bulk packs and as well ORTHO 25, a very nice film for special purposes. I have now a website:

    www.123Prolab.com for my B&W activities. I sell also these materials, if you cannot locate them elsewhere.

  13. <p>I am using 70mm film all the time. I have 70mm backs fpr my pinhole, 4X5 graflexand several hasselblad 70mm backs. The films I use are Rollei/maco 400IR, Ortho 25 and the kodak aerograph Plus X which is a great allround/IR film when developed in Acufne or Diafine for 4+4 minutes, If there is interest, i have sources for the Maco/rollei films.</p>
  14. I had one MP, too,serial no 302, could not resist selling it as the price started to go astronomical. I have to be

    satisfied with the M4-P with Abrahamsson Rapidwinder. The lens is Canon 50mm 1,2

    I think DDD was using that too, as the Kremlin book tech sheet listed canon 50:1,2 and 25mm:3,5 also in one

    picture with Picasso DDD was showing his Leicas, one had the canon 25m "pancake" and the other canon 50mm

    less the special hood.

  15. Hello to anybody reading this old thread: Three years has passed, It`s now 2008 ! In the meantime the orginal MACO importer for Finland quit, and I took the MACO/ROLLEI business over, formed professional lab for B&W work: www.123Prolab.com I am fully occupied doing work with Maco / Rollei products either to clients or my own projects. If I were raving about the R3 , I should "rip my pants" about the Rollei Retro baryta papers and the new ATP 1.1 Art film. BW photos are really into NEW HORIZONS ! Jukka
  16. No posts since my latest submission, what has happened, not much, the French still think they are the leading country in the world, The British acting as they were... The USA is dumping the world

    in this useless gamble, but SOLMS PEOPLE have finally made their mind about the future, and we have the M8. So, everybody is reaching the drawers to dust off the oldie M stuff and consider buying the ultra super Zeiss Distagon 15mm :2,8 or Biogon 21 : 2,8

    What about now, you all doomsday prophets?? Leica even bought Sinar... Money speaks ( that`s old world money from Hermes)

  17. I think Leica should stick to analog film photography, stop making the R series, let Cosina do the lenses for M series and donate the Leitz archives to Deutsche Museum. All future inquiries of " Is this serial number XXX on a MP a real one?" should go to the Museum...
  18. Everybody seems to have an opinionon the future of LEICA rangefinder camera, also me. I am a pro living in Finland. I started in 1965 , giving up saxophone and jazz , trading my selmer mark IV alto to Leica M2 with leicavit and 35mm Summicron. This is the setup I still feel most comfortable with, after going thru Nikon F-F3-F5 ( I still have it) Pentax 6x7-haselblad system (I still have the Hassy& lenses) and finally Sinar 4x5 in studio. I have got rid of the sinar and burden of studio and bought a Fuji S2 and now S3 pro Digitals to use the nice old Nikkor lenses. I just serviced the leicas, loaded them with Fuji Acros 100 film and felt great! Kept on shooting without having to look all the time at the tiny frame in back of the camera...

    I feel the leica, as it is, could benefit a little from improvements like ease of loading, electric film tranfer and rewind. The finder system is too fragile and complicated to be really trouble free. A new Leica M could understand the DX code and so on BUT the basic concept of rangefinder focusing is great! As all the lenses focus about the same, with lever , the focusing is not AF, but SF=" subconsicuous focusing". This is the best feature of M leicas along with the absence of mirroir. This is what I want to have in the future also. I am happy that ZEISS has realized this and the feel and placement of the focus lever corresponders those of Leitz M lenses.I am waiting with interest the Digital full frame Zeiss 12 million megapixel rangefinder using M lenses!

  19. I gave the right answer in the first fuji thread, that was linked to this thread, I give it once more here: Fuji VELVIA needs a presoak water bath before development. 5 minutes . the presoak water is completely pink/magenta when coming out of the jobo drum. Then an extended development in the first bath 10-20% more. with this modification the whites are brilliant white. grays pleasant grey..

    This advice was given to me by Aaron Jones of "painting by light" fame.

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