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Image Comments posted by ccd853

    "Highland Dance"

    Nice shot Mark! This is one of my favorites from your portfolio. The adjusted 'Ton' version looks great too, but I prefer the original - the yellow glow is more natural in my opinion. Keep up the good work!

    Blue storm

    Hi Espiaube, I really like this - nice work! I think though that it is hard to really appreciate it when viewed on the web - I think those birds add so much, but it is difficult to make them out! I bet this would look really nice as a large print!

    Angry Wizard


    Marc, you keep making this tougher, but I think I found a new favorite from your portfolio in this shot. It's really odd because I can't believe I am selecting a black and white picture from a guy who has probably has one of the best handles on color I have seen.


    Anyhow, I love it to death - it has so much sublime power.

    Bell Drip


    In Peruvian high jungle around 1500m or so. In this region it seems

    like anything can grow with the greatest of ease (whether you want it

    to or not!)

  1. I don't know why I haven't commented on this yet. I love it; probably my favorite in your portfolio. I always come back to look at it once in a while - I would hang it on any wall, and you could probably sell it as blood pressure lowering medication.
  2. I think it is good. I have yet to meet a panorama I didn't like - they are one of my favorite types of photos. If you are looking at someone else's, you can let your eyes wander all over just like in real life, and if you are looking at one you have taken, it immediately takes you back to that place.


    I agree that they are hard to compose, and I think maybe you are searching for a focal point of interest here (like maybe a stronger convex cloud pattern mimicking the bay or something). Oh well, I still enjoy looking at it, and you probably do too. Sometimes that's good enough...

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