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arond a.

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Image Comments posted by arond a.


    Wow. The color is excellent. There is a lot to take in and see in this. Visually very interesting. I like the contrast between the real woman walking and the various ideal representations of women. And is she holding a religious icon? That would add another dimension to it (sacred vs. profane, etc.). Quite good.

    Window Shopping!

    Very compelling. The array of different bottles in the foreground is great--size, shape, color. I also like the splintering wood above. Her vacant stare is a little unnerving. It has both visual and emotional depth. It leaves me wondering. Quite unique. Good job.
  1. Exceptional. It wouldn't be the same in black and white. I like the moment of action you chose to stop as well. Overall it is very straight-forward, yet original. Direct, yet artful. Nice work.
  2. Very peculiar. I appreciate the simplicity of it. There is something eerie, almost dream-like, about the scene--the isolated bench set before a rather desolate waterfall. And with nothing else and no one around? Although I have never been to Iceland, this photo describes it rather well (from what I have seen). Well done.


    Aptly named. Although the child appears angelic, it is at the same time eerie and slightly haunting. Not your average cute kid picture. I like how the blue eyes reflect the pale, blue-gray surroundings. Very strong mood.
  3. Nothing short of exquisite. They look as if they just stumbled off the bus ("American Vacation Inc."!!!) and are uncertain now how to proceed. The woman's perplexed, lost look perfects it. The gentleman seems quite oblivious to the obvious absurdity of the situation, at least as it appears. Best of all is the dog in the kangaroo like pouch. Thanks for having the courage to capture this image. Indispensable. (However, the exposure does leave something to be desired.) 7, 7


    The isolation of the boat is good, especially with the background only being alluded to in the fog. With nothing else around and no one in site, even on the boat, it appears to be floating freely. It evokes quiet and tranquility. (It does seem a touch under-exposed, however.)
  4. Ed: This woman was a tour guide at the 24 Hour Church of Elvis--now closed--in Portland, Oregon. She spoke with such rote rapidity that I could only understand every couple of words. So I really have no idea what she was saying at the moment of this photo nor at any other time during the tour. Although very eccentric and hard to follow, she was quite witty and ironic when I could understand what she was saying. As always, thanks for the feedback.
  5. Jean,


    I've been perusing your portfolio and like very much what I have seen. I appreciate the diversity of your work. It says not so much that you excel at any one style of photography, but rather at seeing. Your work reflects an infinite wonder at the world, an ability to continually see things in fresh perspective. That is the lifeblood of good photography, and a very enviable quality to have as a photographer.


    As for the image at hand, I can sympathize with becoming too familiar with your own work. I often find it takes me weeks or months--sometimes longer--to view what I have with any objectivity. Concerning this particular photo, I prefer the lesser cropped of the two. It has more perspective and seems less cloistered than the other. The dimensions also seem more familiar or friendly (?). Again, nice work on your nice work.


    On the contrary, the depth of field is fine. Visually very interesting--the criss-cross pattern of the chairs, the boarded walkway, and the vertical lines of the fence in the background. Besides that, the content is quite interesting as well. The kid with the camera should serve as a lesson to all those photographers who take themselves too seriously. To take good images one needs to view the world anew, much as children do. Another great image of yours.
  6. Nope, keep the lamp along with the reflections. It's fine the way it is. Another in your series of slightly surreal images. It brings to mind a ghost or a moth trapped against a window pane trying to get out. Eerie.

    King of Prussia, PA

    Blah blah, keep the roof. It's fine. The image is strong enough by itself that cropping the roof would add nothing. If anything it would detract from the image by shaving off some of the ivy. Great photo. Somewhat surreal.


    Very unique image. Not your typical sunset shot by any means. I like the square format as well. The contrast of the black geometric foreground against the soft cotton candy background is excellent. It certainly sets itself apart from the usual crop of sunset photos. Original. Rating: 'Wow.'
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