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Posts posted by colleendonovan

  1. I use Miller's and when I upload pictures they have a cropping tool for 5x7's and 8x10's. I can control how I want them cropped. I wouldn't resize every image - too much work - and what if they don't even want any 8x10's?? Also, I usually explain to clients about the crop factor so they understand why their 8x10 has the edges 'cut off'.
  2. I think you should go for it. Work, work, work on learning how to use fill flash (although I didn't see too many pictures that were absolutely awful), brush up on composition (there are lots of sources on the web and photo.net) and fire away. The only other thing would be to practice white balance, but I only saw one picture were it was glaring. I think you'll do great. Make sure you have back ups of everything.
  3. I'm doing an engagement shoot this Saturday and it's coooold here too! :) I'm meeting them at a really great hotel/winery and we're going to do some fun shots of them in the lobbey and in the room that they're reserving. Can you go to one of their homes ( or a relative's or a friend's??)? It's kind of scary to think of going to the unknown, but you can find great light just about anywhere - that's half the battle. Take a great lens with as big an apreature as you can get and blur the backgrounds. I bet you'll do great. :)
  4. Why would you interupt people to take a picture?? Why don't you take it the way they are?? I think those are more interesting than the 'grip and grins', but that's my opinion. For formals I just tell people straight out that if everyone pays attention we can get through them super fast and move on to doing more fun things, like the reception. I give compliments and tell them how good they are doing. That usually helps people loosen up and then everything flows from there. :)
  5. It is a great deal for people. You can tweak one of their templates just a little or you can tell them EVERYTHING you want and they'll cook it up for you. You have to check out the gallery of previous customers. Those sites are really nice and they've all been customized!
  6. You might have the personality, but I don't think you should be calling yourself a professional at the moment. You need to work on the basic aspects of photography - exposure, composition, etc. Get some good books on lighting - especially on using flash - and exposure. This will probably be viewed as harsh by some people, but your work should be better than this after having done 7 weddings. Keep practicing until you get things right and THEN start charging for your work and calling yourself a professional. :)
  7. If you are outside would it be possible for you to just wiggle them around until there are natural catch lights in their eyes?? I admit that I have popped off my flash before to make sure that there are some, but I don't like to do it. Thanks for bringing this up Kari!! I love your stuff and I am always struggling to improve.
  8. If I were you I would use mpix.com to have your files printed. They are the consumer version of a professional lab and the prints are always beautiful. I use them whenever I need prints of my kids, vacations, etc. They are also comparably priced to Wally World (if that helps).
  9. Buy a Grace Ormond Wedding Style magazine. :) My favorite! My favorite top notch wedding photographers include


    <p/>Susan Stripling

    <p/>David Jay

    <p/>Jessica Claire

    <p/>David Beckstead

    <p/>The Bebb's

    <p/>Chris and Lynn Jaska

    <p/>Nathan Holritz

    <p/>Anne Ruthmann

    <p/>Anne Almasay


    I don't know all of their web addresses, but google them and they'll pop up.

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