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Posts posted by colleendonovan

  1. Along with the settings and fill flash you could just move around the subject until you are at a 90 degree angle (or you could move so that the sun was behind you, but then you'd have to deal with squinting) to the sun and shoot them from there. You would need fill flash for sure so that there weren't harsh shadows on their faces. The sky would be blue without having to compensate for anything.
  2. I'd fix them and give them a refund. The picture you posted for an example is worse than bad. Sorry. I'm surprised that you showed them to the client like this in the first place. The unfortunate thing is that no matter how much you fix them in PS they are so underexposed that they will never be able to make a nice enlargement from the file. You shouldn't be charging anything to photograph events yet.
  3. Say no. Tell her that you immediately delete the pictures that you feel aren't up to your standard and leave it at that. In my contract it states that the client will only receive the edited pictures that I feel meet my standards. Or something like that. :) I don't have it in front of me. I'm sure others will have better wording, but when going through the contract with my clients I not only read it to them, I explain what it means so that there isn't any confusion.


    Do not ever show pictures that you feel are not up to snuff.

  4. Hahaha!! Thank you Bob - I actually googled him and found it the other day. I have honestly never heard of them and I like to think that I know most of what's going on in the wedding photography industry. :) It just goes to show that even if you are a little business you can make as much money as you want as long as you treat your clients right. :)
  5. Take more pictures of me. :) Hehehe... just kidding. I'm working this year on focusing much more on hte bride and groom seperately. My goal is to get a super gorgeous picture of the bride at every wedding. Not just a pretty one - a WOW one. :) And I'm going to work on getting some really original pictures of the groom. Aside from that I always feel like my exposure, lighting, angles, timing, and people skills could use some work. :)
  6. I agree with Tim. It's fun to come up with exciting things for clients and to give them a truly personal experience in regards to the service and level of photography they receive at their weddings. I love my clients. I treat them well and in return they make my business grow. I just don't see the point in spending time and effort on building someone elses business at the jeapordy of my own. Not gonna happen. Oh - and for what it's worth - I was actually signed up with Bella last year and never decided to take the leap and work for them. After reading several posts on other forums about photographers pricing, etc. being undermined by Bella representatives I'm grateful that I decided to stay away.
  7. I love owning my own business - I'm successful at it and it continues to grow. People who work for Bella are undermining themselves. If you choose to believe otherwise than go ahead and work for them. My business will be better off.
  8. Yeah - too bad almost every bride I've talked to who has used them does not have nice things to say. I say 'Yay to Bob Davis! You've just about ruined the validity of wedding photography.'


    If you are trying to build your business why in the world would you go shoot for someone else? Please - give me an intelligent answer cause I don't know of any.

  9. Here's my list -

    <ul><li>Bride alone

    <li>Bride with parents

    <li>Bride with her family

    <li>Bride with bridesmaids

    <li>Groom alone

    <li>Groom with parents

    <li>Groom with his family

    <li>Groom with groomsmen


    Bride and Groom together

    <li>Bride and Groom with parents

    <li>Bride and Groom with her family

    <li>Bride and Groom with his family

    <li>Whole bridal party


    These aren't in any particular order, but I use it to keep track of what I have and haven't done. Most of the time it seems that I do the whole bridal party first and then break it down. It also depends on how many people from the families are helping with the wedding because sometimes they need to have their pictures done first so they can finish getting everything ready. You'll figure it out as you go. :)

  10. I don't take any umbrellas, stands, or clamps. Who's going to lug them around? How often are you going to actually set them up and use them? I'd put my money into an excellent camera, some top of the line lenses and a couple of flashes. Worry about the extras later when you are more established and know that you will use them. Of course, if all of your camera gear is already professional quality all you need to worry about is perfecting your craft. :)
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