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Image Comments posted by joe_garrick


    You said "Oh to have a studio...

    Well, there's always bed sheets and wide open aperatures. It's just me, but I prefer that to photoshopping it.

    Other than that it's a decent portrait. You've captured a great expression here. The only suggestion is to not have her squish her arm so tightly against her side - it's compressing the arm a bit and making it look larger than it likely is.



    Unlike the similar photo to this one, I do need the space for her to look into, maybe because that thing on the wall behind her is more visible.


    The pose and expression here are great - better maybe than the other photo. It's a very quiet and contemplative mood.



    Much better with the tighter crop. She does need more space to look into, but the post or whatever it is next to her in the other one is a huge distraction. This is clean and simple.


    Well done.

  1. Well, I'm not sure I'd call the marks low - it's above average on both and I don't think I'd rate it a whole lot higher.


    The pose, while original, looks a bit unnatural or contrived - or at least uncomfortable.


    The lighting is both harsh and flat at the same time. I think I could take harsh, but the direct frontal lighting has washed all the detail from his body.


    I'd say there's a great deal of potential in this photo, but room for improvement.


    This works nicely. The pose, and the hand in particular, along with the effect, convey a very soft mood that works well with the models delicate features.
  2. I'd use less DOF and toss the background foliage out of focus.


    Watch the feet on this kind of posed shot.


    What looks like a sliver of another white pedastal is peeking out from behind the girl in blue.

    Mary 0249


    I would make the crop at the bottom either higher or lower. Her hand seems a bit stiff. Also on the hand, with this lighting her hand blends into her hip and at first glance her hand looks deformed. Move her hand down a half inch to the waistband of the panties and the problem goes away.


    I like the lighting. There's certainly a lot of potential in this shot, but I'd call it almost there.



    Oh dear. People are just brutal rating sports photos. You caught this when the runners foot was just hitting the bag and the ball is clearly visible in the second baseman's glove. There's a nice cloud of dust floating around from the slide. I just don't see how this play could have been done any better.


    OK, so it's just a little bit marginal on focus, but still more than good enough for newspaper work.


    I really don't know what people expect out of sports photos. Sheesh!



    The lettering through the center of the frame is enormously distracting and makes it hard to evaluate the photo. Anyway...


    I'd crop it square, there's too much empty turf in the foreground.


    There's an odd humor in the rather pudgy looking number 51 sort of loafing along behind the action and looking more like a spectator in uniform than a player.


    Nice capture. This is one photo where I'm really surprised by the below average rating. It's at least an average quality sports photo. It's sharp enough for newspaper work and you've captured the image with the tackle imminent, adding some visual tension. It's at least as good as most hometown paper photos of the local football game.

  3. At first glance I thought this was a really lame setup, but the more I look at it the more I like it. There's a humor in it that grows on you.


    I'm curious, was this a real find or did you turn the cover yourself?

    "I Do"


    I'm going to assume that this is a geniune candid and not posed because if it's posed it could have been much better.


    As a candid, however, it's a fantastic capture. Having shot boatloads of weddings I have to disagree with the comments about not having all of her face in the photo. There's just no way to do it that I can see, at least not as a true candid. If you move right, you break up the pattern of the bridesmaids too much. You can't make her taller or him shorter to get her face over his shoulder, and you can't exactly go dragging a step stool or chair around in the middle of the wedding to give you something to stand on either. This is, as far as I'm concerned, the best that could be done in this setting and frankly I don't think it needs any apologies. The best part of it is that every pair of eyes, especially the bride's, are firmly riveted on the groom.


    I have to say I wish I had thought of this back when I was shooting weddings.

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