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Posts posted by aron

  1. I have grown quite tired of the inconsistency of my Canon system

    with the wireless transmitter. Some times it fires, sometimes it

    doesn't, if I angle it just right etc. I have decided to just go

    ahead and invest in a stronger more reliable radio sytem(I guess).

    Here is what I want. I want a three flash system, main, fill and

    background for inside portraits at weddings, grop shots mainly. It

    has to be small(quantam?), it must fire when I press the shutter

    etc, and it must react to the trigger. I am fine with my studio set

    up, but when I look at the protable units, you have so many

    variables. I need some help. I need the flashes, the battery packs

    and the triggers that will make these fire EVERY time in a variety

    of positions. Don't need soft boxes or diffusers, looking to keep it

    very small in size. Budget is $1500 to $2000. Suggestions greatly


  2. I don't want to contribute to you damaging your sensor, but with all I have read, I just spent the money on the photographic solutions sensor swabs and solution. It is the best $50 I have spent. The majority of the spots are gone(I don't press hard) and no damage to my sensor. It seems that nobody will officially recommend anything, but these swabs are packaged in a sterile room and the solution drys instantly. Just an opinion.
  3. You would think that prices would keep dropping, and to some degree they will but keep in mind trends with other products. Consider that the 20D is no cheaper than the 10D. The business philosophy seems to be to offer affordable models( digital rebel), but to keep the price consistent by adding features. The price of the technology is coming down, but they will add features to keep at least the initial selling price some what constant. I think the real room for technolgy to drop the price is in the full frame area where very few of these are produced in relation to a 10 or 20D. I do realize that the D60 was $2000 when it came out but things seem to have leveled out at least for the current product generation. I assume that when the replacement for the Rebel comes out it will be in the neighborhood of $800, but I am just joe speculator(I know that isn't a word so don't start). Even comparing it to the most dramatic of price drops - the computer, will somewhat show this trend. Sure you can get a full PC at Wal Mart for $500, but by the time you add todays standard ram, dvd or cd writers, Microsoft Office etc, you spend the same $2000 + you did 6 years ago. I don't know if I am making my point well, but I think I am at least somewhat right.
  4. I personally use both the rebel and 10d. With my 10d, using some interpolation in photoshop(there are better programs for this) I can get great 20x24 canvas prints so I can satisfy my wedding clients needs. I originally placed a 20d pre order but elected to go ahead and get a second slightly used 10D and will upgrade in about 12 months to the 20d once the hype goes down.
  5. I wish I had somewhere I could learn all the very advanced techniques. I usually fix contrast, brightness, saturation and understand layering, but not to the point of blending that can do any good.
  6. I haven't seen any posts on the latitude that the 20D sensor will

    have. In other words how many f/stops will we have to work with

    between our lights and darks. I apologize if I am not using the

    proper terminolgy, but are we any closer to (non slide) film than we

    were with the 10D?

  7. "Assuming these $30 batteries influence your $1500 buying decisions"


    Actually the Canon branded batteries are a bit more expensive and since I have two bodies minimum at each wedding I shoot, possibly having to replace the 8 bp511's I keep 'just in case' is a large factor for me. It can add up to a 3rd of the price of a camera making another 10D at $1250 at least a consideration, but those 8.2 mp's and the reduced noise could overcome that.

  8. I know some of you have heard me rave about printroom.com and I still am. Not only do they not make a penny unless you do, but since I have signed up I get frequent calls from my acoount manager(not to sell me, but just to help me sell), and I am asked to participate in conference calls with other photog's to better use and offer suggestions about the service. For the few technical concerns I have had, I have gotten immediate responses usually followed up with a phone call. These guys are good and other than buying the space for images (ONCE you buy it, it is yours forever to use), I have nothing out of pocket, they merely take their image costs and commission out of my monthly check. It is pretty great.



  9. Help,


    I am interested in purchasing the Photographic Solutions Swabs and

    cleaning solution for my 10D's; however, looking at B&H's site, they

    are noting that due to shipping regulations, they can't ship the

    solution, it can only be purchased in their store. The $42 swabs

    won't do me much good without the required cleaning solution. Any

    suggestions on a substitute solution or where I can get a comporable

    solution. I have already made up my mind on the method.

  10. "I will always consider digital cameras as low resolution toys"


    What a brilliant statement Marc. I find that my customers are much happier with the fact that I provide complete artistic control over their digital images rather than relying on the lab, and that I tend to have at least some of their images online for proofing within 24 hours rather than fulfilling the sterotypical horror story of the 3 to six months of other mediums, and they seem to like their 20x24 canvas prints, and with software to increase resolution to any size I want with images that are beautiful and absolutley breathtaking to my customers eyes; canvas prints that I am also proud to show at wedding shows and to the photographers assistants that walk around trying to get information. You know when I talk to customers, they are usually fooled by other photographers such as yourself until I show them the truth and they are amazed at the "sharpness" and "how much better they look than the previous three photographers" that they have met with. I however have nothing against all forms of writing with light, but since I and my customers have been completely satisfied with the product, it was an easy decision. It's the same reason I haven't purchased a Mac. The benefits do not justify the cost 'for me'. But you go ahead and keep spreading that brilliant opinion about my digital "low resolution toys" and I'll keep showing people the truth about digital.

  11. I am actually surprised that so many photographers eat on the job. I and I have made it clear to my assistant that we won't take food even if offered unless the event is complete and people are filing out. I never expected my employers to feed me when working in the corporate world, why would I now. Can you imagine working for Boeing or Chrysler or Schwab and expecting them to feed you lunch, no, you go out and buy it. Why would it be expected in your current job as photographer. I guess this just shocked me a little and like all other jobs I have had, I bring my own lunch.
  12. This question relates mainly to wedding use. I will use this for

    other things, but from a business standpoint, I shoot 10 d's for

    weddings(please Canon stop making us wait for a replacement) and my

    customers are very happy with the results. My favored lens is my

    trusty Canon 70-200L f/4. It gets wonderful results, but due to

    the 'no flash' rules I encounter and my desire to reduce flash

    during receptions without going too high on the film speed setting,

    I am in the market finally for an additional(not a replacement) 70 -

    200 f/2.8. I have the difficult need to weigh the cost vs quality

    issue. I really do not want to spend the $1100 for the L because I

    really have the quality side of things covered, I am strictly

    looking to suppliment my set up for indoor use. I am leaning heavily

    on the Sigma. Any suggestions.

  13. Do not use any lab until you at least check out mpix.com. I have used Adorama, printroom and MPIX, but strictly MPIX for wedding enlargements. Out of the three, they are the only ones who print on Endura professional with Lustre and for less that the Royal paper at Adorama. (At least at last check). I still love Adorama, the service is good, but the difference in printers is amazing. For example, the pic on my home page was printed at both labs and came out a little too bright from Adorama, but perfectly matched exposure on beautiful paper from MPIX. I know I sound like a pitch man, but I am so completely pleased with MPIX, that I cannot help but gush.
  14. Most of my packages include the engagement or bridal sessions and with the higher packages both are included. The only reason I do not include it with all packages is because rather than charge for hours in my pricing, I charge for tangible goods. In other words, I include 10 hours no matter if you buy my most basic package or my most expensive, but listening to the logic here, I may reconsider and offer the engagement session. It makes perfect sense because I have established a good bond with all the engagement sessions I have done. As for where I shoot these, strictly outdoors. I am in Charleston SC and there is no limit to the historical, waterfront or parks at which to shoot. We have a lot of people come in from all over the country just to get married here, but I am sure most every town has its pristine locations, I just prefer natural light near sundown
  15. I shoot all Canon digital for weddings and I find that during the ceremony and or reception that shutter priority is benifical so that you do not risk losing the shot to blur and so you can control flash/ambient ratios with less expensive flash units. During posed shots, I used to meter and shoot manual, but due to time constraints often associated with weddings, I now use a lot of braketing with on camera metering using Aperture as the priority. I have rarely if ever not gotten the shot this way. I pride myself on composition so this is my primary concern. Now if I was using film, I would probably go back to metering every shot to save money, but with digital, I am happy braketing.
  16. The Prelude ALbum, 4x6 non reversible. I know it isn't the images. I use 4 different printers, all just a bit less than 4x6, and all work in other albums. I have tried on at least ten different occasions over the past two months and have come to the conclsion that, I know I am a competent individual with basic motor skills who can no longer have his business crippled by these albums. I am continuing to use their enlargement albums, but again, if anyone could suggest another 4x6 proof album, I am all ears.
  17. I challenge anyone on this planet or at Art Leather to show me 4x6

    images in their 4x6 inserts. There are certain laws of this universe

    that cannot be broken and these inserts beg for us to try. In other

    words, 4x6 images simply cannot physically be put in to these

    inserts. You cannot tell me, I need hard evidence. I have tried

    bending, the shimmy, blowing, 4 different 4x6 print/paper types, I

    have ruined pictures and inserts alike in repeated futile attempts

    to reverse natures crule way of telling me that an image, even

    though slightly less than 4x6 in size, cannot fit in to a sleeve

    that barely accomodates the black piece of paper designed to back

    the images once inserted. All these images fit in other albums with

    the flip of a wrist, but HELP. I am losing my mind, my patience and

    please help me find another company that can provide me with a

    classy, customizable 3 high, 4x6 proof album whose inserts are

    actually designed for 4x6 images

  18. Printroom is awesome. I am making good profit with them. Other than buying the initial space, you have nothing out of packet needed. They are set up to only make money if your images actually sell. As for Endura, I was just speaking to a sales rep about this the other day. The support is amazing. I am a very happy user.
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