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Posts posted by wuyeah

  1. Someone told me Nikkor Noct is only usable at f1.2, qaulity isn't great with smaller aperture

    compare with Nikkor 50mm f1.4, 1.8, 2....etc. I took his work without checking, if I check, I

    prob won't want to spend $3,600 on a used Nikkor Noct when Leica Noct is $4,500 brand

    new and fully metal cast.

  2. Hello,


    I know Nikon 58mm Noct 1.2 is a very specialized lens. Though I never handle

    it, but my understanding, it is a lens not meant to be use at 1.2 smaller.

    Which means, you get Nikon Noct, 1.2 is the only aperture you should use.


    What about legendary Leica Noct? Is it the same? Paying high price for only 1.0

    or Leica Noct is good through out all aperture range?

  3. If you are thinking about buying a AF-S, do yourself a favor, take out some more money to get The VR.


    Get AF-D to save some money for quality, that i can understand. Get AF-S you don't save as much then what is point? It's not like you can still find a brand new AF-S some where. Get a used 2nd hand lens AF-S...you just don't know what the lens has been through.


    Smart for the money is to figuer out you will need VR or not. If don't think you will need VR, don't spend extra. You need VR then you don't have a choice.

  4. Hello all,


    I have a 135mm f2 AiS lens. Time to time, this lens is getting hard to find

    and I currently think it has become more of collection, rarity rather than

    about performance made this lens more valuable on used marked.


    Mine unfortunatly was a user. The glass was always protected by filter, body

    has no ware, but the built-lens hood has a lot of wear, paint loss...etc.


    I am thinking about selling this lens, but the hood really doesn't look great

    on buyer's eyes. I wish you guys know any place I can buy just the replacement

    of the lens hood for 135mm f2 AiS or anybody does such replacement service.

    With a new hood, this lens will look just flawless like new, not to forget

    mention that it has original box too.


    I try to find one but really don't get much luck. Now I think the built-in lens

    hood was a stupid move from Nikon. Once the Hood is built-in hard to find a

    replacement, ppl just judge the hood as part of lens. Traditionally a lens hood

    should not devalue the lens, but this case, the hood actually devalue it. I

    just wish to sell this lens at better value.


    Does anyone know such a place?

  5. David, I am happy that you are satisfy with your 70-200mm. After all, Lens is still just a lens. Photographer's comfort, feel will help crate better image.


    I must say I am more than passionate with 135L. A joy of satisfaction that just wants to share with you all.


    Still, my opinion is still as my opinion. Your comfort with a lens counts. If hold a white makes you feel more Pro, more confidence still counts. Emotion, the feel you have during a shooting experience

    will reflect highly on your work.


    When equipment is right, they are extension of your sight, a part from your body.

  6. If you as for my opinion wise for your money, NO. But also note folloing:


    1)Its all different animal in shooting experience. In money & quality I would not buy addition 135L. Though, 135L provide faster AF service, which is better portrait lens. Remember your subjects are real ppl. 135L better contrast & color than 100 macro. Sharpness should be similar. That is why I say is not wise for the money to get 135L, but certainly is awsome lens to work with. Too close in working distance, yes but not really. Sometimes little difference will cause big change. After all, one is best for portrait ideal lens, the other is still life close-up lens.


    2) 70-200mmL is also different animal than 135L. I'll slap this one one every 70-200mmL owner's face. 70-200L just can't compare with 135L. You only got flexiability & a "white", but u also got 2X weight, unwanted attention that sometimes you really don't need, flare, minium focus 1.4m. How about IS? 135L is so great, so light that it just don't need IS, and u still got a stop faster. 135L its much better of a lens over all. Sharpness 70-200L is not even close. Its visible difference in eye. Not forget meantion, you just can't beat the price. After seeing 135L, you will feel 70-200L is over rated. If 135L are in white, perhaps it will sell better? I always wonder.


    3)Zoom are travel ideal. when u don't know what you gonna shoot, zoom will be the best to carry. Allow a distance for creativity and act with situation. For Pro, they always knew what kind of photo they will be shooting, over meeting by meeting. If they want to ensure the best possible quality, prime is the choice.


    If wise for your money, "NO". Money isn't a issue, "YES". I keep 100 macro for macro work, I use 135L for portrait work. Fast AF response in shooting portrait can be a real help. Especially shooting kids. Do consider carefully with 70-200L which I don't own anymore. It isn't cheap, it isn't light weight, quality just can't compare with 135L.


    135L Perhaps is THE BEST CANON lens.

  7. " I do not use it as often as my other lenses (28-70 f/2.8L, 70-200 f/4L, & 100-400LIS."

    Quote from Ted.


    Andrew, IMO, I don't think his technique needs work. Perhaps you did not read carefully

    so I quote for you. The lightest boy among 3 is 24-70L, which it is weight 950g. The 135L

    is weight 750g.


    He has no problem handle white boys (70-200 4L & 100-400L) I doubt he will hv problem

    with 135L in technique.


    Ted, you need to service your 135L or return it. (Sell it to other when you know it has

    problem, just not very nice to other consumer.) 135L is a joy lens. i sold my 70-200 2.8L

    IS with no regret.

  8. Yes, 135L is the sharpest lens I have ever own from Canon. I have owned 35L, 50 f1.4, 20-35, 28-135IS, 70-300IS, 16-35L, 24-70L, 70-200 2.8L IS.


    My 135L is far better in sharpness than all meantion above. If you don't feel that way, you clearly got a lemon. To me is night and day difference. Compare with 70-200mm IS my 135L does get "wow, this lens is good, I will never sell it" kind of effect.

  9. I 2nd with Chuck. 135L is the best L in the most affordable price. 135L marks different

    league compare with 70-200 2.8L IS. Yes, loose flexiablity but you gain much more in

    quality, sharpness.


    It is true that 135L doesn't have IS, but light weight as it is, it really is't neccessary to have IS.

    135L pair with 50mm f1.4 is about a perfect set up. 50mm f1.4 is also proven to be sharper

    than 24-70L.


    50 f1.4, 135L setup will give you best quality out of your money.

  10. Keep in mind. MTF shows one thing, in real world shows another. In real world, not all

    the lenses creat equally. Simply a production matter. You might get a less sharp

    70-200mm f4 IS than a 70-200mm f2.8 IS. Just "might" happen. Can you really tell the

    difference? Its a bit of lottery seeking for best optic possible.


    Best way to get "the lens" right is to buy three 70-200m f2.8 IS, another three 70-200mm

    f4 IS have them all test shoot. carefully pick the best f2.8 IS, and pick the best f4 IS and

    compare each other. Then pick the best you will keep, return all other lesser 5 with in a



    I think the main concern for you really is on 1) aperture 2) price. You get one or the other,

    when you work you won't shoot against anything, you won't able to tell anything. I did not

    go confirm the MTF chart, because that really doesn't matter. I will not be shock if the f4

    IS is slightly better than f2.8 IS.


    Bottom line in life, when you really need f2.8, f4 IS won't provide you the f2.8 service.

    Which is the better lens? The lens that is your hand.

  11. My experience, if you bring your Canon digital camera, then you won't use your Leica for

    most of time. Unless you have a M8 or you committed to yourself that you have to use it.

    Digital camera does brought a lot of convience in technology except their size. The Leica

    gave a lot of convience in size but not the technology.


    My advice, bring Canon or Leica. Don't drive yourself crazy bring them all. You will tired

    yourself, make yourself clumsy and end up not using half of the equipment. Bring only one

    system and focus the your moment with it.

  12. Don't get your lens used from Adorama or B&H. My experience, they charge more with

    lesser acceptable condition than ebay or KEH.


    You want to be safe and honest price and condition, KEH. eBay still is cheapest place for

    used equip, but you are at your own risk. I bought a lot of AiS lens on ebay. Cuz there are

    no eletronics, older lens can hardly go wrong. Especially older lens are harder to find with

    good condition except on ebay. As for New Nikon equipment, I always pay more to buy

    NEW from store. I do sell a lot of Mint AF lenses on eBay myself, a lot of time like new,

    nothing wrong with them, just I need to upgrade a higher equipment, and eBay is the only

    place help me get most of my money. Store guys are just trying to rip me off.

  13. Oh well, I can care less who is in trouble than myself being in trouble. There are enough

    camera companies to choose from. If one dies there are other camera company will rise to

    the 2nd place to fill the spot.


    Lets face it, Canon or Nikon just won't die. They NEED each other for survival. If Canon or

    Nikon one of them dominat the market, it is "us" will be in trouble. Talking about money

    in our pocket.


    Canon, Nikon certainly don't pay me any money, instead they want money from me. I

    really can care less about they are dying or not. Just bring the price down so I get one and

    use and create lovely picture.

  14. You sell F3 now you get peanut, keep it. Did not say your F3 is a Mint condition? Then gives you more reason to keep it. After yrs, a good condition F3 will be less and less. You should hope Fuji & Kodak still produce film then your F3 will be more of an collector item.


    Look at this way, collector will collect a F3, who will collect D100 or D200? After few years they worth non. Save some more money to get a new digital camera, instead of trying to sell your older equipment to fine an faster way out. Older equip only adds few hundred bucks now. You can easy save that amount in a months.

  15. Hello, I am using hasselblad 503CW, 80mm lens, 100 provia film, hand held

    meter. NO flash involve


    Situation: The ISO setting accidentally moved to 300 ISO without notice until

    later on. My film is ISO 100, I was hand meter with ISO 100.


    I should be expect from result: a)darker than correct exposure b)lighter than

    correct exposure c) no change, because hand meter was measure ISO 100 you did

    not use flash so camera setting will not play effect. d) you see nothing on

    your film.


    What I should exact and reason why?


    Thank you for helping. I just want to know anything i should tell pro lab to

    make more correct.

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